Is Multiculturalism Important? Oh Indonesia
By: Didimus Estanto
Universitas Sanata Dharma
Raya is an exclamation of the spirit of
freedom which sang by our founding fathers. It was a dream, a purpose and the
ultimate goal of Nederlandsh Indie’s
colonization. Becoming a colonize nation, Nederlandsh Indie (old
name of Indonesia) feel the very long pain of being a slave. Indonesia Raya was
fought by some many different cultures pursuing the freedom. Some many cultures
make Indonesia ruled by some invisible intension of each culture which raise
the people up. People know culture first, live in culture and know nation
after, feel nation after (Pragiwaksoso, 2012:34). It is simply said that multiculturalism
makes Indonesia have no pure Nationalism.
is multiculturalism in Indonesia? The history of multiculturalism in Indonesia
had begun in era of Nederlandsh
colonialism, the time of Kingdom of Holland rule the area called Nusantara. This area they named as Nederlandsh Indie which
means the area around India which belong to them. The first categorization
began in 1925 with the Volkenkaart
van Nederlandsh Indie
(Sutjipto, 1975:82). The paper classified people with the certain area by their
certain commodity. The ruler appoint a person to be a leader for making them
easy to coordinate. It grew into culture and society until now. In general, the
idea of multiculturalism is related to the idea of equality. It is the concept
of a same right. Indonesian people believe that multiculturalism is the
equality of diversity (Budiman, 2007:21). In Indonesia, multiculturalism means
live together with people which is different one to another. Staying in the
same nation with the same right with some many culture is the real meaning of
multiculturalism in Indonesia.
multiculturalism in Indonesia is elusive. Multiculturalism is just a concept of
society which applied with no argue. It is like everybody just accept it as
what it is. Since it just a concept, it means that it is just an idea and it is
not real. Multiculturalism is the way to face the diversity. Diversity is the
real form of multiculturalism which we face, but multiculturalism is just one
concept to face the diversity. The power of multiculturalism is the same right
(Hefner, 2011:43). The same right which we have to accept, honor and respect
others right. Since there is no standard of accepting, honoring and respecting
others, the multiculturalism is elusive.
There might happen the chaos in society when they have the different
concept to face the society. One thing that people have to remember that Indonesia
is differ one to another. Multiculturalism, the diversity of culture make
people have different intent related to their own culture. Basically, people
are afraid for being different.
in Indonesia is a gift or a disaster. Starting with the same feeling, same pain
and same nation as a colonized nation, Indonesian people come to decision to
fight back again the colonizer. It was the beginning of the bond Sumatra (men
from Sumatra), bond java (men from Java), bond Kalimantan (men from Borneo) and
there are lots of men from many places from Nederlandsh Indie gathering together to
get their freedom back. History record that there are three reasons why Indonesia
is form. There are the same feeling of the pain of 350 years colonization, the
need of being free as a free human and the condition that they cannot fight
partially against the colonizer (Sutjipto, 1975:178). Reflecting on those facts, Indonesia was
built by some many cultures. Indonesia is designed by some many different
people which have different intension patterned by their culture also. Since Indonesia
is no longer colonized nation, it easy to say that Indonesia is no longer need Indonesia
Raya because the three reason why Indonesia Raya existed are no longer
available. It is impossible to rule the nation with some many cultural
intensions because Indonesia is basically different and the purpose is also
will be different. So it does not really clear that multiculturalism in Indonesia
is a gift or disaster. Is it a good thing or bad thing?
had been different since the beginning and it will exist that way. Nationalism
is an absolute requirement to build a nation and to keep it alive.
Multiculturalism might be elusive but it is real by accepting, honoring and
respecting it as its ancient way. Multiculturalism is a gift not a disaster
because that is one of the reasons why Indonesia exist. People do not have to
argue about it since multiculturalism is Indonesia itself. Indonesia is
different, Indonesia is multiculturalism, people have to accept it that way. Our
founding fathers have already chosen this way to live the Indonesia. The
purpose of Indonesia Raya is still ongoing process placed on us, the next
generation. Multiculturalism is still needed to bring Indonesia to be Indonesia
Budiman, Hikmat.
Hak Minoritas: Dilema Multikulturalisme
di Indonesia. Jakarta: The Interseksi Foundation, 2007.
Hefner, Robert W. Politik Multukulturalisme: Menggugat
Realitas Kebangsaan. Yogyakarta: Kanisius, 2011.
Pandji. Nasionalisme: Kenali Indonesiamu,
Temukan Passionmu, Berkaryalah untuk Masa Depan Bangsamu. Yogyakarta:
Bentang, 2012.
Sutjipto, F. A. Sejarah Nasional Indonesia IV: Indonesia
Abad 18 dan 19. Yogyakarta: Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, 1975.
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