A Poem by Didimus Estanto T.

What a pray reveals
Dark blood stink, leave me think
God silently sees
Cross is weak, make us leak

Die you church
Dark pope speak, mark me shit
Evils will catch
Bloody sinners work, abandon angels cried

Fall upon me oh sky
Dark worlds grow, kiss me blow
Fire swallows pleasantly
Embed the bow, die on pillow

Judgment day is coming
Darken you human, demolish all creatures
The drum has been striking
Kill all bad men, bring them to necropolis

Here is apocalypse
No longer run, no longer kill
Day of justice

All is equivalent, it’s God’s will 

A Story by : Didimus Estanto T.
English Letters Department of Sanata Dharma University

Staring at the star, wondering if there is a black hole eating moon or other star. My old red tape recorder is singing “chanter sur le toit” by Adam Helen, my grandpa’s favorite song. I love sky, especially in the night, it tells me that there is something else out of this little earth, just little earth. The other reason is that all Einstein’s theories are described in the night sky pieces.
I am Atom, son of the Einstein’s assistant in his physics lab.  My red hair comes from my mom. I do crazy about physics, sometimes I stole books from my father’s office, which means I stole ideas from Einstein. I was that, I was just stupid in that time thinking that I can stole Einstein’s ideas by stealing his book. By the way that is old story, now we are in France since Einstein moved to America and all scientist were forced to join the Nazi.
“Tok tok tok… Atom, are you there?” fascinating calling has coming, it must be my mom telling that dinner is ready. “Someone call you honey” said my mom. Hm…, that’s interesting, no one ever call me on the phone before. “A girl or a boy mom?” my further question to my mom. “ It sounds like a girl, boy Hashanah” said she with her little laugh. “Ok, I will be right there mom”, as soon as I can jump from the roof, wearing my cloth and run to downstairs picking up the phone. “Bonjour, que je parle avec?” I said on the phone anticipating if she is a Francis girl. “Easy Atom, this is me, Sophia” said she. “Sophia,..?” I am looking for any indicator of Sophia in my brain but still confused. “ ..which Sophia?” I finally asked. “Oh come on, the one you barely kiss yesterday in class of electromagnetic” Sophia said. Oh, by the way I am a college student, yesterday was my 19th birthday, and I was forced by the whole class to kiss a girl. They said I was too old to get my first kiss, then I said, “Come on guys scientists do their first kiss with a screwdriver”, they just laughed and still forced me to kiss a girl. “Sophia, oh from electromagnet’s kiss. I am so so so sorry for what happened yesterday, it was really horrific … but nice, I do have to thank you for that.” I continued the conversation. “Actually, it was not so bad, you are good with it, and I should be proud, I am the first kiss of the very smart guy in the physics department.” Sophia said while I am touching my lips and say to my self ‘wow… not bad’. “I am sorry you said something” said Sophia. “No no no, go on” I clarified. “I actually call for your promise yesterday. You said I can ask everything.” Sophia stated it strictly. “Hm,.. Yeah sure,” I answered it doubly. “Can we go to camping this weekend, looking at stars, calculating time, make a quantum analysis above the night sky, a giant quantum.” Sophia said. “Wow, that’s weird. First that’s all my hobbies and I will directly say yes to you, but second it isn’t like an ordinary women request, as I read, women usually asking for flowers, chocolates, or maybe dinner?” I stated my opinion. “It’s simple, I am your extraordinary first kiss. Ok then see you on the weekend” Sophia ended her call. “Ok then” I closed the call. “And don’t forget to bring your grandpa’s tape recorder.” She added then she hanged up. For the Einstein’s sake, She is my fabulous dinner tonight, I said to myself.
“How is your time machine working out?” she started the conversation above this purely naked sky. I am nervous, this is my first date, if I can say date, ever. “For my final project? Hm,.. it almost done, I am working on its electron turnover, you know it is the hardest part to travel the time” I explained. Then we fall into a deep conversation about Einstein and time dimensions, family and dreams, war and how to change it. Oh my god, I can not stay away from her Jewish’s eyes, that’s my miraculous electron. “Atom can you turn on the tape recorder?” Sophia ask. Silent, I keep staring her. “Hallo…” she added. “Oh yeah sure sure , tape tape I will turn it on.”I answered haltingly. Oh my god I looked stupid. The ours after that we keep talking about Einstein, time traveler, Einstein again and war. Oh thank you Einstein. The next morning we decide to work together in my final project.
“Where is your tape recorder? I’d love to hear ‘Tuer le temps’ by Adam Helen.” Sophia asked. We are in my roof laboratory, place for all miracles created. We are creating our final electron to fulfil my machine. This is the 473 try, and still fail. We are facing a deadlock. “Honey, dinner is ready” my mom called. “We don’t hungry mom,” I answered her. She enters my lab, staring at me and say “Why do you worship such a kind of machine god, huh, just finish it and don’t forget to go to church tomorrow, tomorrow is Sunday and your grandpa’s death anniversary.” She walk out placing two plates of ratatouille. Silence appears.  “I did not hear anything” Sophia broke the silence. I take my sit, get close to her and start to tell “My grandpa is a Germanic scientist, he is very successful on creating atomic bomb and time machine. But, all of his inventions have been destroyed by Hitler because he refused to give it to him. We all literally saw army shout him in the head, but he still smiled. That was really a bad memory for our family. I want to create this time machine to go back to the past, live in the time that no war at all like what is happening now. I am tired running away because of my knowledge creating stuff, and I don’t want to see my family die because of it”. “I do feel your pain fractious scientist, come here I think you need my hug” she hugged me tight. We are having a good time in that moment. She goes home and I go back to the roof, staring at the stars, playing “chanter sur le toit” by Adam Helen again. I put aside my head, staring at old red my grandpa’s tape recorder. There is my name on it, this is my 5th birthday present. I listen to it with all my longing to grandpa. I just realize that in this song that is almost twelve time Adam Helen say ‘ouvert’. “Open ? Open what grandpa?” I said to myself. In the right side of the tape recorder there is a marker said ‘ATOM OPEN HERE’, all with capital letters. I click on that part. There is a group of atomic compounds inside, I guess. Writing inside of the tape “Ca-N-Ti-K drives to Mogo”. Mogo is the way I and my grandpa called time machine and I guess  Ca-N-Ti-K stands for calcium (Ca), nitrogen (N), titanium (Ti) and potassium (K). It is the electron compound that I need to finish my project. Without any further explanation, I go jump to my lab and start finishing my Mogo.
I worked it all night and it is finished. I see my watch, 5.27 a.m.. It is dawn, this is Sunday, this day is grandpa’s death anniversary. I am so excited to test my first Mogo. I have an appointment with Sophia to go to church together but I can wait to test this Mogo first. I want to surprise her. I set a time an hour forward from now, just a little jump I think is a good start. I type on the machine TO 00.60’00’’ FORWARD. My hand is shaking while my heartbeat is getting faster and then GO, I press the bottom.  
“Huh,.. it’s impossible, this is not real, I can not believe this” I cried to myself. All my body is shaking now, being glued by what I just saw. I saw my entire family die, my mother, my father even me. Sophia is an agent evidently, she is Hitler’s spy to steal my time machine, my Mogo. As soon as she get my machine, she will kill us all. I can not believe in my eyes in that moment. Now it is clear, why she knew everything since the beginning. She knew I am the scientist, She knew there is my grandpa’s tape recorder, she knew I love sky, she knew my time machine, Einstein, traveling, my family even Adam Helen. She followed us to France to get my knowledge. I have to destroy this machine, I have to do that if I want save my family. I don’t want to recur what happened to my grandpa. Oh my god, I did not see this coming. I shut down the machine, taking out the Ca-N-Ti-K compound, going back to the roof and having a Sunday morning sunrise. I do fell fear, disappointed, angry, afraid, and tired. I close my eyes, hoping that it was all just a dream, a horrific dream.
“ Atom,.. Atom,.. where are you?” Sophia called with her ordinary voice but it feels completely different now . I wake up sprightly, with a big fear to hide. I try my best to pretend all that just happened. “Yeah, Sophia, I am up here, on the roof” I answered it apprehensively. “We have an appointment to go to church together, right?”  She doubted. “Yeah, sure” I answered shortly. “This is your grandpa’s death anniversary Atom, hurry up or we will be late”. “Ok, I will be ready in five minutes” I answered her without seeing her. I pass into her with my pale face to go to bathroom. “Are you fine, Atom” said she. “Yes Sophia, I am fine” I ended the conversation.

List of foreign term
Chanter sur le toit = singing on the roof
Bonjour, que je parle avec? = hello, whom I speaking withfrat?
Tuer le temps = killing the time
Ouvert = open
Mogo = time machine


By: Tanto Didimus / IG: tanto_zhanpio
Univ Sanata Dharma, English Letters Deparment

(Dimuat di Majalah Aquinas Yogyakarta Edisi III)

Aku suka angka Sembilan (9). Bukan Cuma aku tentunya, begitu banyak orang yang pastinya juga menyukai bilangan terakhir dalam jajaran angka tersebut. Sembilan merupakan hasil dari penjumlahan 5 dan 4, atau juga 6 dan 3. Ia juga bisa didapatkan dengan mengalikan 3 dengan 3, pun juga mengurani 1 dari 10 dan berjuta cara lain yang bisa dilakukan untuk mendapaktan angka 9 ini. Praktisnya hal itulah yang ingin aku bagikan bersamamu kali ini kawan. Bukan soal angka sembilannya tentunya, tapi lebih kepada berbagai cara yang dapat ditempuh untuk bisa sampai pada angka tersebut. Hidup itu satu, pemaknaanya saja yang kompleks. Sembilan itu hanya sebuah angka, namun banyak cara menujunya. Banyak cara ditempuh orang untuk terus hidup dalam bumi yang keras ini, namun tujuannya tetap satu menuju kehidupan yang bahagia. Aku akan berbagi caraku menuju Sembilan ini, sesuatu yang mengantarkanku pada kebahagiaanku.

Kebahagiaan kali ini bukan sekadar soal cinta. Yah,.. dari sejuta kisah klise di dunia ini aku tak berbakat untuk hal yang satu ini. Oia para sahabat, namaku Chandra. Aku seorang mahasiswa, aktivis, penggiat politik, pencinta (?), anak sulung dari dari tiga bersaudara yang semuanya lelaki. Yogyakarta adalah tempat kuberdiam sekarang. Aku berasal dari salah satu daerah permai jauh di Timur Indonesia sana. Di sini aku kuliah. Tadi aku memulai kalau aku tak terlalu berpengalaman tentang cinta bukan? Bukannya tak pernah, tapi tak jarang aku gagal atau telambat atau tak peka,.. yah semuanya itu masuk dalam golongan gagal cinta. Aku pernah mengalami itu pada masa akhir SMA-ku dan berakhir karena aku harus pergi melanjutkan studi, dan juga yang kedua akhir tahun kemarin, yah,.. walau hanya sekejap tapi masuk dalam catatan sejarah hidupku. Nampaknya aku harus fokus pada hal lain dulu yang bisa aku kuasai selain cinta.

Terlepas dari semua hal itu, cerita ini dimulai dengan jiwa yang idealis dari seorang anak muda yang ingin melakukan perubahan. Tapi judulnya A Kiss bukan? Tak apa liat saja kelanjutan ceritanya. Cerita tentang idealisme adalah makanan anak muda sebenarnya, Tan Malaka pernah bilang kalau idealisme adalah senjata terbesar kaum muda untuk menggebrak perubahan dan terus bertahan dalam peradaban. Aku salah satu anak muda yang beridealisme tinggi, menempatkan harga diri di atas segalanya. Bukannya sombong, aku seringkali menulis di surat-surat kabar nasional pun lokal. Bercerita tentang kepedulian sosial dan ketidakadilan adalah makananku sehari hari. Sebenarnya aku tak tahan dengan Indonesia ini. Korupsi, sarana publik, pelayanan publik, praktik calo, sampah, kebakaran, perdagangan manusia, banjir, sampai agama, toleransi, harga daging sapi, ngabuburit pun tak terhitung berjuta masalah yang sepertinya tak akan pernah bisa selesai dibebankan pada Garuda Katulistiwa ini. Aku saja memilih secara acak topik yang ingin aku kritik pada Indonesia ini, dalam satu toples besar d kamarku, aku tempatkan semua masalah itu. Dengan semua itu, sepertinya susah untuk bisa bangga dengan Pertiwiku yang lirih ini. Bobroknya kebahagian pertiwiku tercinta, itu tulisan d toples masalah yang ingin kukritik setiap hari itu.

Di Indonesia negeri kita tercinta ini, pendidikan diatur secara gratis dan sistem wajib belajar, namun praktisnya sarana prasarananya dipungut biaya yang lumayan membebankan. Huft,.. kalau boleh aku analogikan yah.. seperti kalau tidur itu gratis tapi tutup mata itu harus bayar. Itulah lotre yang keuar dari toplesku pada hari ini, pendidikan. Ketidakbahagiaan Indonesia tentang pendidikan. Pendidikan itu efektif hanya di Jawa saja, kata orang begitu. Di pelosok juga siapa yang mau mengajar di sana? Jauh, terpencil, bergaji kecil kalau ada pun, sarananya sangat terbatas dan beresiko pula. Sangat berbeda dengan pendidikan di daerah yang mapan. Pengajar diberi insentif, tunjangan, transportasi, diberi arahan yang sangat jelas, peraturannya sudah tertata rapi dan sangat kelihatan berkualitas dengan sejuta dukungan, karena sejatinya pendidikan memang sangat penting. Pendidikan adalah investasi manusia-manusia Indonesia di masa yang akan datang. Yang menjadi pertanyaan sekarang, manusia-manusia Indonesia di pelosok sana, penting kan? Mereka juga bagian dari investasi itu kan? Yah,.. Indonesia sekali lagi meninggalkan kenyataan tidak bahagia yang harus aku tulis. Itu tulisannku hari ini. Bobroknya pendidikan pertiwi tercinta.

Selesai dengan semua urusan Indonesia dan pendidikan, aku beralih ke kasurku. Membujuk mata untuk tidur dan terlelap di dalam kegelapan kamarku. Ku ambil Samsung Galaxy J3-ku, mulai membuka-buka sosial mediaku. Kubuka beranda bbm, melihat status-status tak penting seperti cewek-cewek yang mengodekan “lapar,.. pengen roti bakar,..” berharap cowoknya secepatnya merespon dan menghantarnya. Ada pula status aneh “maakfan, kamu terlalu baik untuk aku,..” hahahha, lucu kali status seperti ini. Trus pacarnya harus bilang ‘oke sayang, mulai sekarang aku akan lebih jahat ke kamu.’ Dasar,.. banyak trik gila di zaman ini. Kututup bbm-ku kubuka facebook-ku. Di berandanya masih lumayan bagus, banyak berita tetang Prancis yang menjuarai klasemen grup A piala eropa. Selanjutnya, berita tentang pedangdut yang dipenjara, foto-foto mantan masih terlintas beberapa kali di berandaku selain berjuta jenis foto selfie  tak jelas yang entah apa bedanya. Kalo aku perhatikan secara saksama sih hanya beda arah bibirnya atau tatapan matanya, atau bentuk poninya yang di-upload sampai sepuluh sebelas kali, apa gunanya coba. Dasar anak zaman sekarang, seperti haus apresiasi dari masyarakatnya (walau kadang aku juga demikian, hehhehhe). Yang terakhir, aku membuka akun instagramku. Mataku sudah mulai berair, tanda sedikit lagi aku tertidur. Hal pertama yang nongol di IG-ku ialah video salah satu mantanku @paradewi_sk. Video dia sedang dalam program voluntir ke salah satu kawasan anak rimba. Terlihat dia sangat bersemangat, walau dengan keterbatasan sarana tetap dengan senyumnya yang khas memberi pencerah tentang bahasa inggris, studi yang ia dalami. Aku melihat video itu, ada sesuatu yang berbeda (selain hatiku berdetak aneh melihat senyum Paradewi), ternyata itu adalah video promosi program voluntirnya, ada alamat dan cara bergabungnya. Huft,.. aku screenshot video itu dan alamantnya dan kuletakan Galaxy J3-ku. Terbayang lagi kenangan bersamanya tahun kemarin, lebih dari itu aku berpikir soal pendidikan yang ia bagikan pada komunitas anak rimba itu. Memesona bukan hai para sahabat? Aku pun jatuh dalam tidurku.

Pagi menciumku sangat hangat, hari berganti dan semester berakhir. Senyumnya masih di relungku @paradewi_sk, aku terus melihat video itu beberapa hari ini. Mengisi liburan yang telah mulai, aku mulai jarang menulis dan bermain-main bersama para sahabat. Tapi setiap sebelum berangkat tidur, video itu selalu menggoda untuk ditonton. Senyumnya membawaku lelap dalam mimpi yang indah. Dua puluh dua Juni tahun 2016 adalah waktu aku memutuskan untuk mengikuti program voluntir Paradewi. Aku ragu sebenarnya, tapi entah mengapa aku merasa aku harus melakukan ini. Kuikuti pelatihan dan pengarahan, sampai tanggal 13 juli aku dikirim bersama 12 teman lainnya ke beberapa lokasi berbeda. Pada saat itu aku sudah sama sekali tak memikirkan Paradewi, karena otakku dipenuhi hasrat untuk membagikan pendidikan kepada mereka yang pantas dan membutuhkan. Aku sampe di Ntalagewang, salah satu daerah terpencil yang harus kami bantu. Aku tersenyum dan sangat bersemangat dengan semua keterbatasan ini untuk membantu yang membutuhkan. Pada detik itu aku sadar bahwa waktu untuk hanya mengkritik Indonesia yang tak membahagiakan itu sudah berakhir. Saatnya melakukan sesuatu, membuatnya tersenyum, dengan kebahagiaan yang bisa aku buat dengan caraku. Aku berdoa sejenak saat menapakkan langkah pertamaku, memohon bantuanNya agar aku bisa membagi cintaNya dengan sebaik-baiknya. Muach,.. tiba-tiba saja satu kecupan mendarat di pipiku, hangat dan sangat familiar bagiku. “Welcome to my jungle” kata Paradewi membuka pertemuan kami. Aku sedikit malu dan kikuk sebenarnya, tapi senyumnya membuatku meleleh dengan sangat mudah. Aku rasa aku punya suplemen tambahan untuk bertahan di sini hahaha. Sambil senyam-senyum sendiri aku mendengarkan semua penjelasannya akan tempat itu dan jobdesk-ku seperti apa di sana.

Jadi sahabat-sahabat sekalian, itu perjalananku menemukan angka Sembilanku, kebahagiaan kehidupan yang bisa aku buat dengan caraku, bukan untuk aku sendiri tapi juga untuk sesama. Ciuman itu adalah pengingat bahwa jangan hanya mengkritik tapi berbuatlah, sedikit atau sederhana tapi tetaplah buat. Indonesia itu sejatinya punya sejuta ciuman kebahagiaan yang ingin dibagikannya, jika kamu berkenan tentunya. Oia jangan lupa membalas ciuman Indonesia karena ia butuh kita juga. 

A Futuristic Family Thriller:
 A Text Analysis on the Veldt by Ray Bradbury
Focused on Character and Tone

By: Didimus Estanto T. 
Sanata Dharma University 

A.   Introduction
Family is the situation that supposed to be warm.  Futuristic and technology are also supposed to be something bright and enlighten, but Ray Bradbury delivers a very dreadfully short story about both of them. He brings the idea of thriller on the condition that supposed to be warn and enlighten. This is such a great short story bringing the new sensation of thriller. This is a futuristic family thriller short story. This is the text analysis which focused on character and tone.
B.    Characterization
There are four major characters and a minor character in this story. The writer also can say that there are two protagonist and two antagonist characters. There are George Hadley as a father, Lydia Hadley as a mother and Peter and Wendy as their children. The last character which also the minor character is David McClean as a psychologist and consider as George’s friend.
Characterization of the characters:
1.       Father
The father is George Hadley. Mostly the descriptions of him is taken by his conversation with his wife, children and friend. As a husband, he is a highly noticing husband by the way he tread his wife.  "All right, let's have a look." That’s the way he responses his wife’s will. As a head of family, he is such a wise and distinct father. It is showed by the punishment that he gave to the children: "You know how difficult Peter is about that. When I punished him a month ago by locking the nursery for even a few hours  the tantrum he threw! And Wendy too. They live for the nursery." The wise side is showed when he considering the good of his family: “Too much of anything isn't good for anyone” and when he considers to go on vacation: “ Perhaps they needed a little vacation from the fantasy which was growing a bit too real for ten-year-old children”. Beside those things, the author describes the father in some many ways. He gave the way he think, the way he talk, the way he solve the problem, the way he  is looked in front of his children. It derives the idea that the father is type of a common good father which is trying to relive his family. The way he solve the psychotic problem is a significant part which build this story a lot.
2.       Mother
The mother is Lydia Hadley. She is describe as a very noticing mother with a lot of anxiety and love for her family. The expressions like   "Oh, George!" and "George, I wish you'd look at the nursery" show that he is a loving wife. She is also an anxiety mother by worrying so much thing such as the children and the stuff that she cannot do. It is proven by "I just want you to look at it, is all, or call a psychologist in to look at it"  and  “Can I compete with an African veldt? Can I give a bath and scrub the children as efficiently or quickly as the automatic scrub bath can? I cannot.” Besides the conversations, the author does not really describe Lydia’s quality. Personal thinking is she is just the trigger which lead the husband realize the situation and make an action.
3.       Children
The children are Peter and Wendy Hadley. Both of them are described as a rounded characters because of their age is 10 (one of them and the other is younger). They are a good child. It is showed up when they greet their parent nicely and accompany them in dinner table “Hello, Mom. Hello, Dad." They are addicted to the nursery room so much even worse, the Psychologist said. “This room is their mother and father, far more important in their lives than their real parents”. In the middle of the story, their character change because of the consideration for shutting the nursery room down. They turn to very cruel and snivel for asking for the opposite. "Don't let Father kill everything.", "Oh, I hate you!", "I wish you were dead!", “Wendy was still crying and Peter joined her again. ‘Just a moment, just one moment, just another moment of nursery,’ they wailed.” At the end of the story, they show up as a bad person who kill their own parents. The author used the highly cruel word in the children’s conversation, in the purpose that readers can see how bad the effect of the psychological disorder happened to the children like ‘death’, ‘killing’, ‘blood’. The author does not really describe the quality directly but he shows it by showing the action that those children do. It means that they are still children which losing their control, lacking of control and do not really think about what they are doing. They just do what is something that they thing good or want to do.
4.       Psychologist
The psychologist is David McClean. He is a friendly and noticing friend of George. He is the one who suggested George to start the real life. It is proven its expert on psychology while he describe the situation: "Can't say I did; the usual violences, a tendency toward a slight paranoia here or there, usual in children because they feel persecuted by parents constantly, but, oh, really nothing." Beside it as a friend, he also suggest George to take his family on vacation and help him to do it: “And then we're going on a vacation. David McClean is coming back in half an hour to help us move out and get to the airport.” Beside  those conversations, the author does not really expose David’s quality. There is just an indicates that he is close to the George by their expression which used like: "Am I on time?", "Thanks, had some. What's the trouble?” and his knowledge: "My dear George, a psychologist never saw a fact in his life. He only hears about feelings; vague things. This doesn't feel good, I tell you. Trust my hunches and my instincts. I have a nose for something bad. This is very bad. My advice to you is to have the whole damn room torn down and your children brought to me every day during the next year for treatment."
C.        Tone
Family is the situation that supposed to be warm.  It is the setting of this story. Happylife Home is the name of the house, which means the house full of high technology machine that will help the owner do everything they want. Those things supposed to lead readers to the lovable situation, but there is a murder in this short story. The tension is highly tight. The author uses the simple present tense to build the sensation of immediate situations flew in the story. The plot is so tight, by keep giving the feeling of anxiety. The author success gives the impression of the dreadful high technology machine. The characters are common, a little family, but the way they live is definitely different. The family which is losing a control of their children, addicting to technology and finally killing the parent are the guidelines of this story. The dictions also influence, the using of the words killing, blood, death, room, vulture and prey  indicate that there is a thriller. The fact that the children hate the parents (father) and kill them indicate that there is an irony. Readers are afraid and anxious while read this short story, it means  that Ray Bradbury with all the character, setting, atmosphere and diction is success in bringing the idea of thriller and irony in this short story.

D.        Conclusion and Writer’s Opinion

This is a very great tragedy short story. The writer does feel tense and a little bit afraid while  reading this horror masterpiece. Ray Bradbury is definitely genius in arranging this short story by making it as real as possible. It feels like this is a kind of futuristic family thriller. There is a nursery room, the place which catch all of our mind and show them up to us looks like a dreadfully impossible for people in this era. Family is the core of this short story. The setting of the family with the ten years old children play around with only their futuristic machine, it seems cruel and not living family. The sense of loving and work together is none there. They are dying in the word of being served in that house. The core of being family is having each other with love by helping and carrying each other, but it does not really show up in this family. That is why writer says this is not a real family, they just the person in same blood who live above the same roof.  Thriller is a kind of high tense story with a tragedy in the end. This story goes with a dreadfully high tension in all part of it. Since the beginning, the main theme is an anxiety and it keeps going through until the end of the story. The using of the present tense is also very influence the whole tension of this short story. It make readers feel in the exact time while they read the story following each tension. By leading readers in the exact time like in the story goes, the author hold the suspense goes high and down in every part. Ray Bradbury surely success make this as one of the best thriller short story. 

Pertiwi Mental Revolution

Didimus Estanto T
Universitas Sanata Dharma
(Dimuat di Majalah Aquinas Edidi III)

Indonesia is a historian country. There are some many stories about the great kingdom in the area of nusantara (Indonesia/nation with some many islands) such as Majapahit, Sriwijaya, Demak, Kutai and so on. The stories prove that Indonesia has a DNA to become a great nation. When the time passed by, everything changes. Everything changes so fast; the time goes in the speed of light and leave the greatness behind. Indonesia seems like an old car which try to chase the time. Indonesia is leaved so far behind from the growth of the entire world. Therefore, Indonesia now really needs a mental revolution, to chase after the world. This nation needs the revolution to get its greatness of its ancient back.
Collapse of Mentality
The story of Indonesia starts on the era of Kutai. It is the first great kingdom in Indonesia according to the historian records. After that, there are also some great kingdoms which existed in the area of nusantara until the era of Nederland Indie, Japan and the independent of Indonesia. This nation is built by the spirit of great nation like their ancient do, but a long pain of colonialism slowly erase that story of greatness. The mentality of being great is almost disappear. Indonesia was being tortured in extremely bad way in the 353 years era of colonialism and it definitely swallowed the core of their spirit, hope. Losing the mentality of the greatness looks like the end of this nation in that time. We can easily see the collapse of Indonesia. Nation is form by the spirit and body. Indonesia has a body which being used by Nederland Indie’s colonialist but has no spirit of being great anymore. Lacking the army and technology make Indonesia cannot defeat Nederland Indie’s colonialist. They were lost again and again. This nation lost the very important part of the nation in that time, mentality for being great.
The Changing Period
The rising of Indonesian mentality came after the existence of Bumiperta (Indonesian first nationalism concept by the intellectual). The concept come to the action and some politic events happened around the world and Indonesia as a freedom nation finally exist. There was an Indonesia as a body of nation, but the pain of being colonialize still in their blood. Soekarno-Hatta, the first captain of Indonesia derived the idea that Indonesia deserves for freedom and it is the right of every human being. That was a great start as a nation. They brought back the mentality of becoming a great nation, hope for greatness. That was how people see in the beginning of this nation. The second captain Soeharto, with his 33 years of authoritarian regime brought the huge impact in Indonesian development. He delivered the labor mental for this country, huge and strong economic. The nation mental problem of KKN Korupsi Kolusi dan Nepotisme (corruption, collusion and nepotism) is a dominant legacy which this era left. The heirs of the throne, Habibie had to fix some many problems in that time. The problem of Chinese race, East Timor, currency and rebellion become a national problem which drag the mentality of Indonesia, again. From that moment on, the feeling of great nation also become a doubtful belief. It feels like, it was just a story that Indonesia could become a great country. The problem of the unemployed, poverty, gas price, corruption, nation security keep coming along the time until now. What should Indonesia do to lift the spirit up? It is a mentality that always becoming a core of spirit to lift this nation up. History recorded the scene of changing mood of Indonesian mentality.
Do Indonesia need a mental revolution?
 Revolution is an instance of revolving of a government or social order or simply present a new paradigm/system in society. Mental revolution in Indonesia is not present a new paradigm, but just reapply the mentality of a great nation. Indonesia was great, why do not make it happen again? Mental revolution is a vision of a better Indonesia, is the hope that this nation is a great nation like the ancient’s legacy. Belief is not enough of course, but it starts everything. This concept try to encourage people that everything which happen coming from heart, everything that hands do coming from what we believe. Indonesian people have to believe that they are a great nation since beginning so they can do great also to the future. Indonesia needs to chase this fact of having fallen behind fast. There is no more time, there is no more hesitation, and Indonesia has to change its mentality now.

Ibu Pertiwi is a slogan unitized the whole nusantara. She is the represent mother of the whole Indonesia since the Kutai to the Jokowi now, from the history to the present. There so much pain, happiness, losing, victory in the way to becoming Indonesia until this stage. Indonesia needs a mental revolution to revive people that Indonesia is a great nation. Indonesia was good, Indonesia is good and Indonesia will good, that is what Indonesian people have to put in their heart. Indonesia may lose, but the spirit of greatness is about how you start it again until the victory. What has become a legacy let it stay in that way. This is the new generation’s chance to make a legacy to the future generation. Bringing the new mentality, the spirit of becoming a great nation, let revolve the mentality.

Is Multiculturalism Important? Oh Indonesia

By: Didimus Estanto T/
Universitas Sanata Dharma

Indonesia Raya is an exclamation of the  spirit of freedom which sang by our founding fathers. It was a dream, a purpose and the ultimate goal of Nederlandsh Indie’s colonization. Becoming a colonize nation, Nederlandsh Indie (old name of Indonesia) feel the very long pain of being a slave. Indonesia Raya was fought by some many different cultures pursuing the freedom. Some many cultures make Indonesia ruled by some invisible intension of each culture which raise the people up. People know culture first, live in culture and know nation after, feel nation after (Pragiwaksoso, 2012:34). It is simply said that multiculturalism makes Indonesia have no pure Nationalism.

What is multiculturalism in Indonesia? The history of multiculturalism in Indonesia had begun in era of Nederlandsh Indie’s colonialism, the time of Kingdom of Holland rule the area called Nusantara. This area they named as Nederlandsh Indie which means the area around India which belong to them. The first categorization began in 1925 with the  Volkenkaart van Nederlandsh Indie paper (Sutjipto, 1975:82). The paper classified people with the certain area by their certain commodity. The ruler appoint a person to be a leader for making them easy to coordinate. It grew into culture and society until now. In general, the idea of multiculturalism is related to the idea of equality. It is the concept of a same right. Indonesian people believe that multiculturalism is the equality of diversity (Budiman, 2007:21). In Indonesia, multiculturalism means live together with people which is different one to another. Staying in the same nation with the same right with some many culture is the real meaning of multiculturalism in Indonesia.

The multiculturalism in Indonesia is elusive. Multiculturalism is just a concept of society which applied with no argue. It is like everybody just accept it as what it is. Since it just a concept, it means that it is just an idea and it is not real. Multiculturalism is the way to face the diversity. Diversity is the real form of multiculturalism which we face, but multiculturalism is just one concept to face the diversity. The power of multiculturalism is the same right (Hefner, 2011:43). The same right which we have to accept, honor and respect others right. Since there is no standard of accepting, honoring and respecting others, the multiculturalism is elusive.  There might happen the chaos in society when they have the different concept to face the society. One thing that people have to remember that Indonesia is differ one to another. Multiculturalism, the diversity of culture make people have different intent related to their own culture. Basically, people are afraid for being different.

Multiculturalism in Indonesia is a gift or a disaster. Starting with the same feeling, same pain and same nation as a colonized nation, Indonesian people come to decision to fight back again the colonizer. It was the beginning of the bond Sumatra (men from Sumatra), bond java (men from Java), bond Kalimantan (men from Borneo) and there are lots of men from many places from Nederlandsh Indie gathering together to get their freedom back. History record that there are three reasons why Indonesia is form. There are the same feeling of the pain of 350 years colonization, the need of being free as a free human and the condition that they cannot fight partially against the colonizer (Sutjipto, 1975:178).  Reflecting on those facts, Indonesia was built by some many cultures. Indonesia is designed by some many different people which have different intension patterned by their culture also. Since Indonesia is no longer colonized nation, it easy to say that Indonesia is no longer need Indonesia Raya because the three reason why Indonesia Raya existed are no longer available. It is impossible to rule the nation with some many cultural intensions because Indonesia is basically different and the purpose is also will be different. So it does not really clear that multiculturalism in Indonesia is a gift or disaster. Is it a good thing or bad thing?

Indonesia had been different since the beginning and it will exist that way. Nationalism is an absolute requirement to build a nation and to keep it alive. Multiculturalism might be elusive but it is real by accepting, honoring and respecting it as its ancient way. Multiculturalism is a gift not a disaster because that is one of the reasons why Indonesia exist. People do not have to argue about it since multiculturalism is Indonesia itself. Indonesia is different, Indonesia is multiculturalism, people have to accept it that way. Our founding fathers have already chosen this way to live the Indonesia. The purpose of Indonesia Raya is still ongoing process placed on us, the next generation. Multiculturalism is still needed to bring Indonesia to be Indonesia Raya.

Budiman, Hikmat. Hak Minoritas: Dilema Multikulturalisme di Indonesia. Jakarta: The Interseksi Foundation, 2007.
Hefner, Robert W. Politik Multukulturalisme: Menggugat Realitas Kebangsaan. Yogyakarta: Kanisius, 2011.
Pragiwaksoso, Pandji. Nasionalisme: Kenali Indonesiamu, Temukan Passionmu, Berkaryalah untuk Masa Depan Bangsamu. Yogyakarta: Bentang, 2012.
Sutjipto, F. A. Sejarah Nasional Indonesia IV: Indonesia Abad 18 dan 19. Yogyakarta: Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, 1975.

SUNMOR, Wisata Teduh Minggu Pagi 

Oleh: Didimus Estanto T.

Pasar  Mingguan SunMor (Sunday Morning) adalah pasar mingguan yang berisi jajanan, pakaian, tempat makan, perkakas rumah tangga dan berbagai barang keperluan lainnya. SunMor kian kemari menjadi salah satu tujuan wisata minggu pagi di Yogyakarta. Biasanya pasar mingguan ini buka mulai jam tujuh pagi sampai sekitar tengah hari jam sebelas hingga duabelas. SunMor belokasi di sekitar Fakultas pertanian dan perikanan Universitas Gajah Mada Yogyakarta.bagi sahabat yang ingin berkunjung untuk berbelanja, menikmati jajanan, melihat buku-buku dan berbagai perkakas dengan harga yang terjangkau, SunMor merupakan salah satu pilihan yang baik (terlebih untuk para mahasiswa ) atau juga untuk para sahabat yang hanya ingin jalan-jalan dan menghabiskan waktu minggu paginya. SunMor menawarkan wisata minggu pagi yang teduh dan sangat ramah.

Berikut beberapa foto tentang SunMor

(Refleksi Ringkat Pekan Suci 2016)
Oleh: Didimus Estanto T.

Kehidupan sejatinya merupakan  suatu petualangan yang terus mendaki. Kisah setapak demi setapak yang menuntun kita dari ketidaktahuan menuju ketercerahan. Sebuah napak tilas gelap menuju terang, keadaan tak bernafas, jantung mulai berdegub hingga ke keadaan tak bernafas lagi dengan jantung terlelap. Kisah kematian menuju kebangkitan secara sempurna adalah Kristus. Dia bukan hanya melaluinya, namun itu adalah Dia. Hidup adalah kata bermakna ganda, yang berarti ada pun berarti keadaan di mana  mengisi ke’ada’an tersebut. Melalui kisah sengasara, wafat dan kebangkitanNya, Kristus menunjukan bahwa cinta adalah satu-satunya hal yang dapat menjaga kehidupan tetap layak untuk dihidupi.

Apa yang terjadi dalam kisah sengsara?
Via dolorosa (kisah sengsara) merupakan suatu ringkasan dari bukti cinta Yang Ilahi. Cerita ini adalah catatan sejarah yang sangat berharga bagi semua yang bernafas karena di sinilah sebuah konsep kehidupan diingatkan, dijelaskan dan dibuktikan dengan seluruh jiwa dan raga. Minggu daun-daun adalah cerminan gemerlap dan sorak-sorai manusia, Kristus sebagai raja yang disoraki karena kerinduan akan kebebasan, kehausan akan pembebasan. Kamis putih adalah bukti pelayanan seorang raja kepada rakyaktnya, pengajaran seorang guru yang diturunkan kepada para muridnya. Jumat agung ialah tanda nyata bahwa ia berkorban untuk dosa yang tak Ia perbuat, bahwa seluruhnya Ia berikan kepada semua cibtaan. Dan sampailah pada cahaya, paskah adalah moment kemenangan. Alleluia adalah sorakan kebangkitan, tanda bahwa kematian bukanlah akhir. Kristus menang akan alam maut, bahwa sejatinya akan selalu ada cahaya setelah kematian, bahwa semua insan punya harapan akan kehidupan setelah kematian.

Mengapa kisah sengsara penting?
Setapak adalah tanda adanya harapan, seribu dimulai dari satu. Kristus mengajarkan proses, setiap detailnya penting. Kisah sengsara menunjukan bahwa Ia benar-benar manusia yang berdarah, adalah Allah yang Maha Kuasa. Ia sakit, takut, mati seperti layaknya mahkluk fana, namun Ia bertahan, terus berjalan dan bangkit. Dalam via dolorosa kita menemukan puncak penyerahan diri, titik nadir dari rencana keselamatan Allah. Kita sampai pada kesimpulan bahwa, Ia adalah Yang Kuasa yang datang untuk menyelamatkan melalui proses sakit yang luar biasa, melalui kegelapan yang mencekam menuju terang yang menyelamatkan. Kisah sengsara adalah bukti harapan menjadi nyata dalam Kristus. Manusia yang fana itu, Anak Allah itu, Kristus datang membawa cinta dalam harapan akan cahaya.

Apa yang Kristus ajarkan?
Satu hal yang membuat kehidupan ini masih layak untuk dihidupi adalah karena cinta. Cinta, itulah hukum baru yang ingin Kristus ingatkan, jelaskan dan buktikan dalam seluruh perjalanan karya keselamatanNya. Tapi cinta itu apa? Cinta Kristus itu seperti apa? Kehidupan sejatinya berjalan ke atas, memiliki cita-cita yang ingin dituju, namun Kristus memberikan contoh yang berbeda. Cita-citanya menjadi pelayan, hamba bagi orang lain (peristiwa pembasuhan kaki pada malam kamis putih). Cinta, bukti paling nyata dari cinta adalah melayani, kurang lebih seperti itu yang Kristus ingin tekankan, ingatkan dan ajarkan. Bayangkan seseorang sedang bersama pasangannya (dalam konteks masyarakat modern), praktisnya seseorang akan melakukan apapun untuk pasangannya, jika itu benar-benar cinta. Mengantar, menjemput, mentraktir, mengajak jalan, menjenguk jika sakit dan masih banyak lain contoh tindakan yag dilakukan saat seseorang mencintai seseorang. Sadar atau tidak kita melayani pasangan kita, itu adalah bukti cinta yang paling nyata yang bisa dan selalu kita lakukan. Itulah cinta, pelayanan yang telah ribuan tahun lalu Kristus ajarkan dan masih tetap relevan hingga kini. Cinta adalah melayani.

Ia yang telah wafat untuk keselamatan semua insan. Ia yang telah memberikan segalanya kepada seluruh cibtaan. Ia yang telah hidup, ada dalam kehidupan pun membuat ke’ada’an itu berarti dalam cintaNya yang sungguh sepurna. Agape, cinta yang tak berhingga adalah warisan, ajaran dan cara hidup yang Ia lepaskan untuk terus hidup dan dihidupi di bumi. Seluruh cibtaan seharusnya bertanggung jawab akan darahnya, pengorbanannya dan cintannya. Seluruh cibtaan punya tanggung jawab untuk melanjutkan cita-citanya, mencintai sesama cibtaan melalui melayani. Via dolorosa adalah perjalanan kehidupan yang mengajak semua cibtaan untuk sedikit beristirahat akan dunia, melihat apa yang telah dibuat dan bagaimana seharusnya hal-hal terjadi dalam kehidupan.  Marilah membuat Ia pantas menderita untuk semua cibtaan, marilah membuat dunia ini pantas untuk tetap dihidupi, marilah mencinta dengan melayani.


Becoming a grateful person is the part which I mostly concern about. I am Didimus Estanto Turuk, one of a thousand people who love to share with others. I was educated in the Seminary Junior High School and Senior High School. There was an important part of my life which all my sense of carrying others was built. The catholic system made myself realize  that the most valuable thing in this life is being valuable for others. From that moment on, I keep struggling myself to help people as best as I can. Like I said before, being grateful is the core of my life, and carrying people is the reality of being grateful.
Parents is the creature that I love the most. A chance to live is a very big deal that they cooperate with God for making me alive. I really thank for the grace of this breath. They are such a simple and strict parent which I give all my respect. I honor them very much. My father is a private employee in a private company. He came from a poor family in an isolated area in East Nusa Tenggara. He is a D1 graduate in civil engineering by his own struggle. He love to farm, especially coffee, because coffee is the best commodity in my district. Then, my mom is a humble and passionate old woman. She came from such a middle class family. Her father is a simple civil servant and her mother is a housekeeper. My mother graduated from nurse school when the age of 19 and then work on that passion until now. She is not so emotional person but quite clever to arguing something, give me some best advice to step forward. I am so glad for having them as my incredible parent.
Education is a media to reveal the social class, the tool to upgrade the pride in the eye of society. I believe that education is more than just that thing. Education is a media for making human become humanist. I am sure that education is not just about learn something, but there is a lot of its friend that we need to explore, unless I try to fulfil that thing. I came from a common family which come with that idea of ‘belajar’. My fist school is a kindergarten in St. Maria Fatima Kindergarten, then St. Maria Ruteng III elementary school, after that I join seminary. The next level of senior and high school I spent in Seminary Pius XII Kisol. Right after high school, I once joined the first step to study philosophy to become a priest, but I decided to run out because I had no passion there. Today, I am here, at Sanata Dharma University, try to continue what my people said about ‘belajar’. Education is not just a tool, it is the ‘belajar’ its self. From all the school I have passed, I understand that education is home for being humanism or just say human. There is a theory that we are an animal as a body structure, but with a little conscience. The part of this conscience is the one that we/ I want to keep exist. Keep being human, that the most important part of education, I believe.
Despite the fact that I really concern about ‘belajar’ and education, I try to keep it alive. I’d love to bring it in my real live. Therefore, I starting to join some community that keeping people to learn. I join Lembaga Katolik Mahasiswa (Yogyakarta),  Perhimpunan Mahasiswa Katolik Republik Indonesi (PMKRI), SanPio (a local movement concern about my district based on our seminary). When I went one-step ahead after my high school, I came to an idea that ‘belajar’ is about sharing what you know, have and experience. The concept, idea, argument or whatever the form will not going anywhere if you do not share it to others, at least let people know. From that idea, I started to seek some organization or just group which can support that idea. Fortunately, I sat in the good place for it. In that group and organization I can share what the idea that people deserve to know, express my concern about others and criticize what I think was not right. Besides joining those kind of organization, I do also love to write. I am sure that writing something is a good way to arrange our brain, passion, and sense of carrying. Mostly my writing are about romantics, but there are also essays about society, multiculturalism, education and other critics about what is going on in my beloved country. Writing is also a tool to share what my brain think about, the idea and some good concepts.
Carrying others, society and country is not just a duty, it is a responsibility. It is an idea of human who humanist. I bring it in my soul or I am trying to be the man like that. That’s why I am good enough for this scholarship. I am sure that ‘belajar’, that we all sure that is important will affect much more to the knowledge, capability and humanity for a person. The best and the appropriate learning process is also affect the result of the quality of the student and in the same time affect the way and the material which that student will share. I believe that educate people is a responsibility for those who educated. I hope by this scholarship, I can maximize the quality of my ‘belajar’. By accepting this scholarship, I can give more for those who need it. By the tittle of educated people, I think that’s my honor to share this treasure of being humanism to others. By the concerns of educate, sharing and carrying people, I think I deserve for this scholarship. This scholarship is also I think a media by people who concern about educating, sharing and carrying other people. This scholarship is also a tool for making human to be humanist, just like what I have believed along this journey.
Becoming a grateful person, back to the first idea that I express in this essay. I am very grateful for being in this level now. It is an honor to bring my idea of sharing idea, educating people and carrying others up to this stage. It is not because this scholarship I become carrying people, but this scholarship is such a fascinating news that there are people out there still have a same concern with me. There will also  a big grateful if I am accepted as one of a lucky and deserved people for this chance. There is always a dawn after a dark night, there is always a hope for the better world. Thank you very much for allowing me up to this level and hopefully this  good relation will keep stay good.

Name: Didimus Estanto T.
University: Sanata Dharma University
Phone: 082137548521