By: Tanto Didimus

Hai semesta, salam rindu
Setelah sekian lama kau pergi tanpa permisi
Enak saja kau masuk begitu mudahnya
Aku merindukanmu
Pernakah kau pikirkan itu?
Sudah lama aku nantikan kau kembali
Tergelam, berpusar dan terhisap dalam warna yang sama
Yang hanya tentang kamu
Aku berharap aku lebuh berani, dari hanya menulis kata sayang
Semesta kemana?
Aku takut cosmos membawamu pergi
Tapi, andromedakupun tak cukup kuat menahanmu dari galaxy
Ah,.. rasanya matahari ingin kumakan
Aurora terbang sepanjang waktu kita
Tap mboh,… nothing
Aku ingin memelukmu semesta
Dapatkah kau rasakan itu?
Ataukah cantikku tak cukup kuat untuk semestamu?
Kuingin kecup kening semesta
Cibtakan bimasakti kita
Sophiarex kukata impiku itu
Bersediakah kau terima apiku, semesta?

Untukmu Sophiarex

Didimus Estanto T.
Student of English Letters department of Sanata Dharma University
Student from Manggarai, NTT

Family Language
Language is the important part of society. Language explain everything which everyone going to tell. Language is the most media that people use to express everything in their mind. Considering this crucial capability, language is very important to be learned in appropriate way, because it will represent someone’s personality and background.
A language family is a group of languages related through descent from a common ancestor, called the proto-language of that family. The term 'family' reflects the tree model of language origination in historical linguistics, which makes use of a metaphor comparing languages to people in a biological family tree, or in a subsequent modification, to species in a phylogenetic tree of evolutionary taxonomy. No actual biological relationship between speakers is implied by the metaphor.
Estimates of the number of living languages vary from 5,000 to 8,000, depending on the precision of one's definition of "language", and in particular on how one classifies dialects. The 2013 edition of Ethnologies catalogs just over 7,000 living human languages. A "living language" is simply one that is used as the primary form of communication of a group of people. There are also many dead and extinct languages, as well as some that are still insufficiently studied to be classified, or even unknown outside their respective speech communities.
To sum up, family language in short is about how the group of people use the language according to their own style of speaking and understanding. Family language is something unique which happen personally in each group and create their own way of language. Even that they use the same language, there must be a different between one family language and the other family language.
In this article I want to describe about my own family language. I came from Manggarai, East Nusa Tenggara. I will explain the way my culture using the language in our own style and our perception about how we suppose to use the language properly. I will also explain my native language, Manggarai.
The Manggarainese language (Manggarainese: tombo Manggarai, Indonesian: bahasa Manggarai) is the language of the Manggarainese people from the western parts of the island of Flores, in East Nusa Tenggara Province, Indonesia. In addition, there are also some pockets of Manggarainese speakers in the village of Manggarai in Jakarta, the capital city of Indonesia. It is the native language of more than 730,000 people, based on statistical data reported by Central Agency on Statistics (BPS) in 2009 for the province of East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia. The data include statistics for the population of the Regency of “Greater Manggarai” on Flores Island, which consists of three districts: Manggarai district, West Manggarai district, and East Manggarai district. The Manggarainese language is part of the Austronesian family, and is therefore related to Indonesian and other Malay varieties. Most speakers of Manggarainese also speak Indonesian for official and commercial purposes and to communicate with non-Manggarainese Indonesians.
The Manggarai are located in the western portion of Flores Island in the province of Nusa Tenggara. They are close neighbors to the Bima and the Timorese. Their language, which is also called Manggarai, is a member of the Austronesian language family and has 47 sub-dialects. Little is known concerning the specific lifestyle and culture of the Manggarai; however, it is reasonably assumed that they are fairly typical of the other ethnic groups living in Nusa Tenggara.
The island of Flores is extremely mountainous, with peaks that rise more than 7,000 feet and a number of active volcanoes. The interior of the island is heavily forested, and the few rivers that traverse the island are not navigable. The climate is tropical, with little daily variation in temperature. There is, however, a marked division between wet and dry seasons.
Manggarai descent is traced through both the males and females, and the circle of kinship is divided into various sub-groups. The center, however, is the nuclear family, composed of a man, woman, and their children. If a Manggarai man wishes to marry, he sends an eloquent woman to the house of the prospective bride. Acting as his representative, she makes the marriage proposal for him in very descriptive language. A bride-price is then paid, dependent on the social status of the woman. After marriage, the young couple immediately establishes their own household.
Manggarai is so religious. Most of the people there are catholic. The Manggarai have no Christian resources available in their own language. A great need exists for Christian literature to be translated into their native language. Above all, sustained intercession is necessary if the Manggarai are to come to a saving knowledge of Christ.

 Language in My Family
Table List of language in My Family
Languange which know
Language which usually use
Manggarai, Indonesia.
Javanese, Manggarai, Indonesia
Latin, deutch, manggarai, english, japanese, Indonesia.
Indonesia, English, Manggarai
Latin, deutch, manggarai, english, , Indonesia.
Indonesia, English, Manggarai
Indonesia, English, Manggarai
Indonesia, English, Manggarai

My family is a mixing family. My father and my mother came from different culture. My father is Manggarainese and my mother is javanese. Live in this two cultureis doesn’t really matter for me, because actualy i live in Ruteng, Manggarai which My fathere home town. I live in Manggarainese’s culture and it makes me familiar with all kind of them including the language. In my nuclear family, we usually just use Indonesian language an sometimes there is manggarai or little english there. My brother and I learned more language than others because we were in seminary. Having some languages is one of the requirement there. My little sister is in elementary school but she is in english course, so she can speak english well too.

Examples of Language
Like I say before in our family we usually use two kind of language, there are Manggarainese and Indonesia. First I will explain the example of Manggarai’s language.
Name of family
Father: ema
Mother: ende
Brother: nara
Sister: weta
Aunt:  inang
uncle: amang
cousin : kesa
Greet of family
Good morning: tabe gula
Good afternoon: tabe leso/ mane
Good evening: tabe wie
I: aku
You (for the older): ithe
You (for the younger): hau
He (for the older): kraeng
He (for the younger): hia
Love: momang
Example of the sentences:
I love you: aku momang ithe
Let’s eat: mai ga hang
Good morning father: tabe gula ema.
Proverb which ususaly my parent say to me:
White cock when you go color cock when you return: Lalong bakong du lako lalong rombeng du kole. This proverb means that we may born with nothing, but we have to fight the world. We have to fill this world with something useful and can make us happy. Especially for student, this proverb ask us to study more, get a better knowledge and get something from school.
Just the fructiferous trees which will be thrown: haju ata manga wuan kad ata peke lata. This proverb want to warn us that there must be anybody who mock us, even that we always do the best. Their mocking indicate that we have something that they don’t have and they jealous of it.

According to all the description above, Manggarainese is a group of people that really use their language well. I my culture use it in our religion in order to make the meaning of the word come closer to people’s heart. The next one we separate our dialect and diction to the older generation and to the younger. Culture designed this role in order to respect each other, respect the generation that come before us. The third is about the proverb. Manggarai is always related to some proverb. There must a proverb for every part of life.

According to all the data that written above, i can take some main point which can represent all the article, there are:
·         Family language is the tool which use to express the language in our own style, based on culture, knowledge and experience of each family.
·         Manggarai is one of Indonesia family language, which is located in west Flores, East Nusa Tenggara.
·          Manggarainese uses their language to increase their faith, to keep a good relation with others, to advice inter generation and to show respectfulness between people.
·         Manggarainese is a group of people which unite in one culture has a good family language.

In the end of this article I realized that I am proud for being a part of this culture. This is a great gift that I was born as the one of Manggarainese. I learn so many things in this culture, in their language. Language that I use every day is not just a few of word that I use it as much as I like, but I got a responsibility to keep it right. I do realized that I must guaranty the next generation will be still proud of this language. The language of my family, the language of my next generation, my family language.

By: Tanto Didimus

Magelang is one of the place in central java that has some many unique tourist destination. Besides Borobudur temple which very iconic, there are some many other unique and beautiful place are waiting to be explored. One of those tourist destinations is Ketep Pass.
From Ketep Pass we can see five huge mount I central java. Ketep Pass does not only provide an incredible scenery, but also a good educational volcano experienced. It has some beautiful and educational spots which people can enjoy, there are view station, volcanology museum, mini cinema, and some additional spots.
Ketep Pass is located in Sawagan Hill, which is between Merapi and Merbabu mount. Ketep Pass is a favorite place for weekend and the day off. The location is near by Magelang, Boyolaly and Salatiga. The location of this tourism place is about 30 km far from Magelang, 35 km far from Boyolali and 32 km far from Salatiga. The extensive of this area is around 8.000 m2 .
Besides as a tourism place, Ketep Passis also functioned as a Merapi Watching Tower and an Documentation.
This are the ticket prize of Ketep Pass :

Entry ticket Rp.7.500, Ketep Volcano Theater ticket Rp.7.000, telescope prize Rp.3.000, ticket foreign tourist is 3$, 

These are some photo from Ketep if u interested: 

Marvelous  Pure Wediombo
By: Tanto Didimus
Wediombo is one of the pure tourism destination because there is a little tourist there. It is very clean because there is a few visitor know about this beautiful beach. This beach is one of the eastern beach mostly in the border of Wonogiri district. Name Wediombo came from Javanese language which means the wide sand. This name match with the reality in that we can see in the beach. Wediombo has a wide white sand all over the coastal area. This beach is a cove which face the west. That makes people could see nice sunset in the evening.  The other interesting stuff is surfing. Wediombo has a good big wave for surfing. In front of this beach, there is a beautiful green mountain. There is also a hiking trip in wediombo for those who love hiking.
Wediombo is located on Jepitu village, Gunungkidul, D.I Yogyakarta. It takes 40 km from Wonosari City to the South East to reach this beach.
For those who use a motorcycle they can follow the track of Gunungkidul beach like Tepus, Girisubo until reach Wediombo.  Wonosari – Semanu – Jepitu – Wediombo.
Ticket prize
The ticket price in wediombo is Rp.5.000 for each (Jan 2016)
Even that this is a remote beach; the facility there is quite good. There are some shops that provide drinks, foods and some original seafood. There are some bathrooms for cleaning body from seawater if we go for swimming. For those who decide to stay there for a night, there are some camp to rent.

By: Tanto Didimus

Begitu banyak cerita cinta di dunia ini
Kumiliki satu cerita itu,
Rasa tentang kebahagiaan
Tentang indahnya diterima dan dimengerti
Tentang maaf dan terimakasih
Tentang berbagi dan tersenyum
Karena hatimu cinta, karena hatimu yang tulus itu
Memiihku menjadi bagian dari cerita cinta itu, cerita kita
Yang kita tahu tak perlu dimengerti
Tapi itulah rasa kita tentang cinta


Tempat yg Tepat
By: Tanto Didimus

Berbagi rasa denganmu,..
Seperti menaruh hati di tepat yang tepat
Saat kita bercanda
Dengan ungkapan kata yang sederhana
Ingin kuakhiri saja pencarian ini
Agar hanya kau yang kutemui setiap hari
Tempat untuk setiap rasa sayangku
Untuk setiap amarah dan air mataku

Telah menjadi tempat yang tepat untuk hatiku 

Setia, Abadi
By: Tanto Didimus

Saat kau tetap di sampingku
Seperti surya yang tak pernah lelah
Membiaskan sinar kehangantan
 Dan terang kehidupan

Kau tetap setia, abadi  

By: Tanto Didimus

Aku rindu,..
Entah ada apa denganku hari ini
Rasa ini bergelora menderu jiwa
Ingin kumakan saja dinding-dinding pemisah ini
Ingin kubakar saja bunga-bunga di taman ini
Ingin kubunuh setiap dara yang terbang ini

Apakah doaku berujung sampah di surga?
Ataukah,… surga tetap berarti  tanpamu?

Rasanya, senja kehilangan hangatnya tanpamu
Mawar kehilangan wanginya tanpamu
Duniaku kehilangan jiwanya tanpamu

Aku merasa, aku merindukanmu

Selamat Pagi
By: Tanto Didimus

Selamat pagi cinta,..
Hari baru pertanda hari kemaring telahmenjadi kenangan
Sedikit banyak dirinya telah menjadi makna untuk kita
Entah seperti apa cara kita meninggalkan hari kemarin
Seberapa banyak jalan yag dilalui
Betapa pun ia mengundang  sejuta alasan tuk menyerah
Hanya ada utang terimaksih pada Yang Maha Kuasa
Untuk sampai pada hari ini
Jalani hari baru ini cinta
Dengan senyum dan semangat
Sekian banyak makna hidup
Yang kita pelajari bersama

Pertanda, aku menyayangimu

By: Tanto Didimus

I do what you what me to do

Say what you want to say
Be who you want me to be
Honey, that ain’t love to me
Teramat sering memang kubuat luka hatimu
Dari ucapan dan lakuku yang mengiris hati
Dari arogansiku yang menyiksamu
Cinta tak mengenal kata maaf dan terimakasih
Karena cinta itu ketulusan
Terimasih karena selalu memaafkanku
Dan bersamaku hingga detik ini


Menyimpan Cinta   
By: Tanto Didimus

Saat kau jauh
Seperti menjalani hari yang semu dalam hidupku
Tapi tak nyata di sampingku
Tapi kutakbisa berpaling
Kunikmati juga kesendirian ini
Karena di dalam hatiku  kumenyimpan sesuatu
Yang tak perlu kutunjukan
Yang tak perlu orang lain tahu

Karena aku mencintaimu

Menjaga Mencintaimu
By: Tanto Didimus
Cinta ,..
Jelas terasa hangatnya jiwaku di pelukmu
Tubuh mungilku kau dekap begitu dalam
Buatku terasa begitu istimewa
Kuingin seterusnya bersamamu
Menjaga hangatnya mencintaimu
Merindu bersama

Sampai di keabadian nanti

By: Tanto Didimus

Aku sendiri
Diterpa rasa bersalah yang tiada berampun
Karena mungkin, terlalu banyak detik
Yang kuhanya lamunkan untuknya
Aku menderita membuatnya menunggu
Aku pasrah pada cinta teragung
Aku lemah
Tapi aku takkan letih doakan dia

By: Tanto Didimus

Kaulah kesempurnaan
Citraan cinta paling sempurna yang pernah kutemukan
Rupaan Aprodithe paling indah di bumi

Setiap deru nafasku
Tak pernah berhenti bersyukur karena punyamu
Setiap aliran nadi ini
Tak pernah berhenti berterimakasih karena milikimu

Dalam setiap doa, rindu dan harapan
Akan cinta kepadamu
Aku tak pernah ragu, takut pun cemas  tuk kehilanganmu
Karena aku sangat yakin
Kalau hal itu takkan pernah terjadi cintaku
Aku sangat yakin akan rasaku padamu
Aku mencintaimu Aprodithe

Sekarang dan selamanya

Kenangan, Merindukan Hujan  
By: Tanto Didimus

Kadang hujan datang
Untuk membawa pergi kenangan
Jauh tak berhingga sampai ke lautan
Namun, hujan selalu lain bagiku
Membawaku pada kenangan yang begitu hangat
Merindukan hari kemarin yang indah
Kuharap aka nada hujan yang sama di sana

Untuk menyatakan rindu kita

Kenalkan Cinta
By: Tanto Didimus

Punya seseorang dalam hidup
Memberi kesempatan kita
Merasakan banyak hal
Seolah, cinta memperkenalkan kita
Semua hal yang ada di dunia ini
Bahagiaku karenamu, sedihku karenamu
Rinduku juga karenamu
Semua hanya tentang kamu kini
Kukorbankan semua hati yang datang menyapa
Untukmu saja

Kuyakin ini cinta

Kau Jahat Cinta  
By: Tanto Didimus

Aku mencintaimu
Namun, tak sanggup ku sampaikan
Ku tak ingin kau tahu rasaku
Agar saatnya tiba,
Takk ada yang tahu lukaku
Mengapa waktu begitu kejam
Mempermainkan rasaku sesakit ini
Jangan menyayangiku, jika itu takkan lebih
Jangan buatku berharap, agar aku tak hancur

Sesulit itukan meminta hatiku?
Sakit yang tak bisa kumengerti
Ataukah aku tak pantas untukmu?
Mungkin hanya rasaku saja
Berharap kau bersamaku
Rindu walau tak tampak
Perih, namun tak beralasan
Mengapa kau berharap jua?
Sakit dalam penantian
Penantian yang tak pasti

Kau jahat cinta 

Jangan Cubit Tuhan
By: Tanto Didimus

Jangan marah padaku
Jika aku sangat mencintainya
Jangan cubit aku
Bila aku memintanya untukku
Untuk hati yang menyayanginya
Kuatkan hatiku saat kami tak selalu dekat

Jagalah kisah kami ini 

Indah, yang Terindah
By: Tanto Didimus

Aku mencintaimu,
Seperti bulan mencintai malamnya
Aku menyayangimu
Seperti matahari menyayangi siangnya
Aku merindukannmu
Seperti penjaga merindukan fajar
Setiap potongan hatiku
Ingin melagukan cinta untukmu
Setiap hembusan nafasku
Menyaratkan bahwa kaulah yang terindah
Aku bersyukur tiap detik karena punyamu
Berterimaksih karena malaikat penjaga hatiku,

 Yang teramat indah 

By: Tanto Didimus

Hujan turun dengan derasnya
Seolah ingin menangis bersamaku
Melagukan rindu untukmu
Tapi jiwaku tetap hangat karenamu
Karena rindu yag kurasakan setiap saat


By: Tanto Didimus

Setiap hari yang kujalani
Penuh cinta dan keyakinan karenamu
Setiap kata sayang yang kau nyanyikan untukku
Buatku tak ragu tuk percaya
Untukku yang cantik setiap hari katamu
Untukku yang menjadi inspirasi cintamu
Untukku yang kau sayang
Terimakasih untuk sayang yang tulus
Untuk jemarimu yang tak lelah melukis asa untukku
Aku ingin menjaga cinta ini

Untukmu yang kan kembali untukku