By: Tanto Didimus
Glagah beach is one of the favorite tourism spots in Yogyakarta.  it is located in Kulon Progo which very beautiful with its black sand. There are also camp place and that plantation of dragon fruit.
 To be more specific, Glagah Beach is located on Glagah village, Temon, Kulon Progo. It is about 41 km far from the of Yogyakarta to the west. If you are in the city of Kulon Progo, you just need 15 km to get here.
While you are driving to Glagah Beach from yogyakarta, you should take the street of Yogya-Wates-Purwerejo. Then you need to turn left in the board which has Pantai Glagah on it. The facilities in this tourism place are good enough. The way is quite good, the public transportation is everywhere, and some hotels if you want to stay for nights.
The ticket prize for Glagah Beach Rp5.000,00 for each people. The parking prize is Rp2.000 for motorcycle and Rp5.000,00 for car.
In the area of Glagah Beach, there is also some others tourism spots. There are tourism piers, Laguna, fishing pool, and agro tourism like dragon fruit plantation and Roselle plantation. You can also rent a duck canoe with prize Rp20.000 for an hour for looking around the Laguna. The other alternative is rent a boat, just Rp.3.000 for 30 minutes.

The most interesting thing in this beach is the pier. The pier is the strong big semen stone that is arranged as a wave smasher. Due to the fact that Glagah has a very strong wave which has an opportunity to damage an abrasion, there are some any arranged semen stone here.

these are some pictures from Glagah:

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