By: Didimus Estanto T.

What makes Christmas so special for people, ups people who celebrate or influence by that I mean.
Christmas is heart of family. That’s all I can say about Christmas. Christmas is the way to feel love for every people which love December. When we come into December, we always feel different for such a no reason at all. We feel cold outside but warm inside. This kind of feeling just happen in December, while in the other rain month we are not feeling that. What a surprise that the green of Christmas tree, the gold of sancta, the red of Sinterclas’s hat, the sprinkle of the lamp and the most interesting part are the gift from north.
There are so many story about Christmas, story which we will remember for a quite long time. Stories which we will tell to our heist. The stories are always about family, love and warm. The stories are always bring happiness for those who listen. The stories which will make our heist also feel what is the real happiness from the heart of love. The stories might be the same, but the feeling is going better and better. The happiness is going bigger year by year until every one of you should built your own Christmas.
Christmas is a regeneration of happiness. There, all power of love is built, defended, kept. Christmas is a treasure for the world, the real gift of Christmas is the Christmas its self. We have a responsibility to continue this precious moment ever. Our grandparent bring this ‘red’ to our parent, make them love the earth. They realized that every breath in this marvelous earth need it. They copulate those red to become us. We feel it. Now our turn to give this treasure to the future of happiness its self, earth.
I remember the cake, tart cake, dry cake, wet cake, ant nest cake, sprite, Fanta, peanuts, and so many details which very unforgettable. What about you? What’s your story about Christmas? What is the most unforgettable part of your red? So, what the main thing of all those things? I say you again, family. Family is the heart of all those cake. The point of those cakes is which whom you eat those cakes, which whom you make all those cakes, which whom you make up this ‘red’ story. Family is a real Christmas happen for every each of you.

So guys, Christmas is coming. the Red is bringing his happiness for us, for our legacy. Bring the spirit of lovely red Christmas, let us continue the real treasure of the earth. Merry Christmas everybody. 

Best spots in Taman Sari
By: Didimus Estanto T.

1.     The Back Entrance
This is the official way for people to come in this historical building. Before this entrance, tourist should buy a ticket for Rp 5.000,00

2.       The Outside Pool
The outside pool is the pool for the girls which will accompany sultan to his private pool.

3.       Sultan Private Pool
Sultan private pool is a special pool which he use to relax for a moment. Sultan will throw a flower to the outside pool and the lucky girl would accompany sultan in this pool.

4.       Bilik
This place is used to change sultan’s wet clotes.

5.        Traditional Sauna
This place is used to rest after sultan took a bath.

6.       Main Entrance
This is a main entrance to see this historical building. The decoration is described the Javanese calendar.

7.       Second Floor of the mosque

8.       Entrance of the mosque

9.       Stairs on the mosque

10.   Tunnel to the mosquito


By: Didimus Estanto T.


The freedom writers is a very wonderful film. Firstly I want to say thank for giving this.
The first moral value that I want to write it down is ‘the spirit of passion’. It supposes to be courage I think, but I would like to find another phrase. The spirit of passion is mostly about Ms. Gruwell. The spirit of her passion to learn her kids is very terrific. In the beginnings of her carrier of being teacher her father had took some doubt  in it. The principle also takes no support for her. Even that, she still make her best for the student who even give no respect to her. She tries her best. She takes more than one job to fulfil his ‘job’. One of her strong comes from her husband that “you are teacher because you say you are” its make her strong to face it all. The strongest burden that she faced I think is when her soul mate leaves her. The one who she loves very much, that lying every night with her, make her to be strong can’t be right beside her anymore. When she almost culminates her biggest passion, she lost something in hand.  She’s just doing something that she supposes to be doing and she love it, but she lose her treasure. She loves her job, she has find something that make her happy and she don’t wanna leave it. She is still standing up and facing the world that she has already chosen. It show the power of her passion, it prove the first word that she say when she apply “I really want to be here”. The interesting one that I find in the film is when Andre got F for his assignment she says that “This F means fuck for me”. I think that word means that she is really love her class and want to make them success. It means she is wonderful teacher too. As a teacher the word that I love coming from her mount is “Every voice that told you ‘you can’t’ is silenced”. It’s beautiful I think. Her passion make her could stand to the end. She is very strong.

The second one that I love t write down is ‘feels home’. I rather to use this phrase than pluralism, even that both of them refers to same thing. Feels home is more positive I think. Feels home in this film mostly talk about the students. They come from very different background with the general issue of class of people and crime everywhere.  They come with their own story, they come with their own revenge and they come with their own aim. Firstly they can’t fix each other because they are different. In the process of learning Ms. Gruwell makes them one. Some games that show their same, feel their agony together make them feel that they are same. Ms. G makes them have a hope, better hope of tomorrow. The process in the class make them ‘cool’ with each other, eva said. They feel something comfortable like really home. They fell something that call them every day, that make them feels missed. It’s happened when Ms.G will not teach them next semester. They are afraid of losing one of them. It is home. The felling of comfortable that they have never fell before.  “You are home” Ms. G said to them. They are one now. They can tolerate with others and can make everything together, the real class happens here. Home make all the pluralism feels one. No different anymore, we are family in this class. To make it one Ms. G say ‘I did what I had to, because it was the right thing to do’.

By: Didimus Estanto T.

The Black Cat
The story by Edgar Allan Poe

·       Summary
The story begins with the confess of the unnamed narrator in his hand writing from the jail. He tried to tell about his life, something horrible that he had done. He made a confess because of his death tomorrow.

            He loves animals and has lots of them. He is a good and kind man. As he gets older up these habit grow stronger. Taking care of his pets and hanging out with them is his favorite thing to do. His favorite animal companion is his dog.

           In the time, he gets married. His wife loves animals too, and fills the house with a variety of them. One of these special pets is all black, super-smart cat named Pluto. When the man starts drinking, his personality takes a turn for the worse. He starts physically and verbally abusing his wife and pets. One night, the narrator comes home from partying completely drunk. Thinking Pluto didn't want to hang out with him, he grabs the cat and cuts his eye out with a pen-knife.

          One day morning, the narrator is overcome with a perverse impulse. He hangs Pluto from a tree in his garden, murdering him. The confess from his jail cell, the narrator claims he did it unconsciously because he knew it was wrong. When the night of the murder, the man's house catches fire and burns down. Only the man, his wife, and one servant are left alive. But, they lose all their money in the flames, along with the house. When the narrator returns the next day, there is a crowd in his bedroom, looking at his bedroom wall. On the wall is the slightly raised image of a "gigantic cat" with a rope around its neck. In somehow that thing stuck in the man’s mind.

        One night when he is out drinking, another black cat appears on the scene. This cat looks just like Pluto, except for the little white spot on his chest. The man takes the cat home, and his wife is quite pleased. When it is discovered that this cat is also missing an eye, the man begins to despise it, while the woman loves it all the more. After some time passes, the woman shows the man that the white spot on the cat's fur has grown. Strangely, the white spot now forms an image of the gallows.

        The man is too afraid of the cat to abuse it. The cat never leaves him alone for a moment, and even sits on his chest and breathes in his face when he is in bed. So, the man doesn't get any sleep. As his loathing of the cat increases, so does his physical and verbal abuse of his wife. One day he and his wife go down to the cellar their old house. The cat follows them. In somehow, the man tries to kill the cat with an axe. The woman stops him, and the man put  the axe in her brain and  killing her .

        The narrator wonders how best to conceal the body. After all, the man decides to hide the body in a space behind the cellar wall. That night, the man sleeps peacefully for the first time in ages. The cat is nowhere to be seen. The cops come around, but the man has hide them. That doesn’t matter. On the fourth day, the police return and search the house again, especially the cellar. Right when they are about to leave, abandoning their search of the cellar, the narrator decides to start telling the truth about everything that he has already done. He shows the cellar walls which he hidden the cat and his wife’s body.They take down the wall only to find the dead body, with the cat on top of its head. And that's why the narrator is in jail, punished to death by hanging. The narrator had accidentally shut the cat up in the wall with the body.

·         Characters

The Narrator

The Narrator's Wife


The Second Cat

The Policemen

·         Settings

Setting of time  in this story:  tomorrow (the day of his death), time of marriage (when he and his wife life happily and loving pets),the night (the time when he drunk and cut one of Pluto’s eye),  the flame night (when the man hang Pluto and his house get flamed),  the fourth day of assassination (the day that the police found the death body of the man’s wife and the second cat).
Setting of place in this story: jail (the place that the narrator write the story about him), house (the place that he usually play with his pets), garden (the place that the man hang Pluto),bedroom (the crowd of gigantic cat drawn), the cellars of their old house (the place that the man kill his wife and the second cat).

Mengenal Bahasa Tubuh dalam Hubungan Sosial
Oleh: Didimus Estanto Turuk (144214137)

Bahasa tubuh merupakan salah satu media mengenal kepribadian. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan meneliti pola-pola gerak tertentu pada manusia yang memiliki makna tertentu dalam kehidupan bermasyarakat. Penelitian menggunakan metode pengamatan dalam menjalankan penelitian ini, di samping menggunakan kajian pustaka. Hasil penelitian menemukan 17 perilaku tidak sadar yang memiliki makna dalam keidupan sosial dan  mengklasifikasikan semua perilaku itu dalam empat jenjang usia yaitu anak-anak, remaja, dewasa dan usia lanjut.    Secara ringkas penelitian ini adalah pengamatan dan pengklasifikasian pola-pola gerak tidak sadar pada manusia yang sering terjadi di masyarakat.
Kata kunci: pola-pola gerak, gerak tidak sadar, pengklasifikasian,pengamatan

Komunikasi merupakan bentuk interaksi manusia yang saling pengaruh mempengaruhi satu sama lainnya, sengaja atau tidak sengaja. Komunikasi ini tidak terbatas pada bentuk komunikasi menggunakan bahasa verbal, tetapi juga dalam hal ekspresi muka, lukisan, seni, dan teknologi (Cohen, 1992:98). Komunikasi terdiri dari dua jenis yaitu komunikasi verbal dan komunikasi non-verbal. Komunikasi verbal merupakan proses komunikasi melalui bahasa dan kata-kata yang diucapkan. Sedangkan, komunikasi non-verbal ialah penyampaian arti  tanpa kata-kata yang tercermin pada bahasa tubuh dan intonasi verbal. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari apa dan bagaimana saja bahasa tubuh itu. Melalui hal itu orang dapat memahami dengan baik makna dan arti sebenarnya dari apa yang ingin disampaikan seseorang. Observasi adalah metode yang digunakan penulis untuk melakukan penelitian ini, selanjutnya hasil pengamatan diklasifikasikan dan ditinjau dalam kajian pustaka.
Bahasa tubuh diangakat sebagai topik dalam bahasan ini karena dalam kehidupan bermasyarakat seringkali terjadi kesalahpahaman dalam menterjemahkan bahasa tubuh.. Peneliti menyusun karya ilmah ini menggunakan dua alur bahasan yaitu apa sajakah bahasa tubuh yang memiliki makna dalam kehidupan bermasyarakat dan bagaimana peran bahasa tubuh dalam membangun hubungan sosial.
Mengenal Bahasa Tubuh dalam Hubungan Sosial
Menurut David Cohen dalam buku “Bahasa Tubuh Dalam Pergaulan” (1992:101) menjelaskan bahasa tubuh sebagai bentuk topeng-topengan manusia dalam bermasyarakat. Manusia belajar menggunakan topeng sejak kecil dan dapat melakukannya dengan baik melalui pembelajaran yang intensif. Banyak isyarat non-verbal tentang perasaan yang bersifat sangat halus dan terjadi hanya sekilas. Cara seseorang berbicara mencerminkan kepribadiannya. Beberapa orang bicaranya keras dan tanpa henti, orang lainnya sukar dimengerti dan beberapa sangat diam. David Cohen mengatakan bahwa kata-kata dapat diatur untuk berbohong tetapi tubuh tidak. Daud (2014:vii) menulis ada setidaknya tujuh belas bahasa tubuh yang memiliki pengaruh dalam kehidupan bermasyarakat. Adapun tujuh belas bahasa tubuh itu meliputi: senyuman, tatapan mata, kontak mata, cara bersalaman, cara berdiri, cara menyapa, posisi duduk, bentuk gelengan kepala, cara merangkul, cara bericara, intonasi bicara, kecepatan berbicara, cara tertawa, cara menaggapi masalah, gestur tubuh ketika berpikir, dan cara berbohong. Setiap ekpresi dari tindakan ini pun diklasifikasikan  ke dalam empat jenjang usia yaitu  anak-anak, remaja, dewasa, dan usia lanjut. Berikut contoh bahasa tubuh yang memiliki makna dalam kehidupan sosial: kontak mata mengacu pada suatu keadaan penglihatan secara langsung antar orang saat sedang berbicara. Melalui kontak mata, seseorang dapat menceritakan kepada orang lain suatu pesan sehingga orang akan memperhatikan kata demi kata melalui tatapan; ekspresi wajah meliputi pengaruh raut wajah yang digunakan untuk berkomunikasi secara emosional atau bereaksi terhadap suatu pesan. Wajah setiap orang selalu menyatakan hati dan perasaannya; gestures merupakan bentuk perilaku non-verbal pada gerakan tangan, bahu, jari-jari, dan kaki. Seseorang sering menggunakan gerakan anggota tubuh secara sadar maupun tidak sadar untuk menekankan suatu pesan.
Bahasa tubuh sejatinya merupakan cara menyampaikan pesan tanpa kata atau pesan-pesan yang tidak dapat disampaikan dalam bentuk kata. Kondisi sosial masyarakat yang sangat beragam membuat banyaknya varisasi dalam menggunakan bahasa tubuh ini. Penggunaan bahasa tubuh dapat saja berbeda antara satu tempat dengan yang lainnya. Hal ini dikarenakan kondisi wilayah, local genius, tingkatan pengetahuan setiap kelompok masyarakat berbeda (Liliweri, 1994:47). Perbedaan dan keberagaman ini mencibtakan suatu maslah ketika dua atau lebih kelompok masyarakat bertemu dan berinteraksi dalam satu wadah yang sama. Komunikasi verbal maupun non-verbal terjalin di antara mereka. Kesalahpahaman bahasa tubuh sering terjadi dalam komunitas yang beragam seperti ini. Salah satu contoh kesalahpahaman bahasa tubuh dalam kehidupan sosial ialah: di Amerika atau di Eropa diperbolehkan menggunakan tanda V (Victory),  sebagai lambang kemenangan tetapi di Afrika Selatan tanda V tidak boleh digunakan; di Australia, Amerika, dan Indonesia, ibu jari yang diacungkan merupakan isyarat yang kasar; di Austria dan Belanda tidak diperkenankan berbicara dengan tangan di saku karena dianggap sebagai sesuatu yang tidak sopan karena mencerminkan kesombongan dan keangkuhan.
Komunikasi non-verbal ialah penyampaian arti  tanpa kata-kata yang tercermin pada bahasa tubuh dan intonasi verbal. Salah satu komunikasi non-verbal ialah bahasa tubuh. Bahasa tubuh digunakan saat kata-kata tidak dapat mewakili perasaan atau situasi yang ada sehingga bahasa tubuh menjadi penting untuk dipelajari.
Bahasa tubuh yang tidak sesuai penempatannya dapat menimbulkan konflik, sehingga bahasa tubuh perlu dipelajari. Salah satu keuntungan dari mempelajari bahasa tubuh adalah membangun suatu komunikasi yang baik yang merupakan awal dari terciptanya suatu hubungan sosial yang mantap dengan orang lain.
Daftar Pustaka
Blake, Reed H. Haroldsen, Edwin O. 2003. Taksonomi Konsep Komunikasi. Surabaya: Papyrus.
Cohen, David. 1992. Bahasa Tubuh dalam Pergaulan. London: Sheldon Press.
Daud, Antonius. 2014. I Know You. Jakarta: Loveable.
Liliweri, Alo. 1994. Komunikasi Verbal dan Nonverbal. Bandung: PT. Citra Aditya Bakti.

By: Didimus Estanto T.
Gulliver's Travels
A story by Jonathan Swift
Summary of the Novel
In Gulliver’s Travels, Gulliver describes his two voyages. In the first voyage, he went to the south sea with a ship called the Antelope. His ship was struck a stone and broke. He is the only person to reach land after a shipwreck. He awakes to find himself tied down by tiny men; these are the Lilliputians. A Hurgo (official) supervises them. Gulliver agrees to cooperate, and is untied and taken to the capital where he meets Lilliput’s Emperor. He agrees to serve the Lilliputians, and is granted partial freedom in return. Gulliver prevents an invasion from Lilliput’s enemy, Blefuscu, by stealing the enemy’s ships and is given a high title of honor. He makes friends and enemies at court and learns details of Lilliputian society. After putting out a fire in the palace by urinating on it, he is accused of high treason through polluting the palace. He is sentenced to be blinded and starved. However, Gulliver escapes to Blefuscu, finds a boat, sails out to sea, and is picked up by an English ship.
Two months after his return to England, Gulliver leaves on his second voyage. He went in the ship called the adventure. After a few month, there was a terrible storm with a strong wind, then they were lost. He lands in an unknown country to get water and is abandoned. He is in the country of the gigantic Brobdingnagians. A giant reaper picks him up  and takes him to a farmer, who wants him to be on exhibit as a freak. He fights a gigantic cat and other monstrous animals. Gulliver became the money machine for the farmer. Gullivere make some show and attracted some many people, so the farmer is getting rich immediately. The Queen of Brobdingnag buys Gulliver and presents him to the King. The farmer’s daughter, Glumdalclitch, who had befriended Gulliver, is hired by the King as Gulliver’s guardian and nurse. Gulliver quarrels with the King’s dwarf, but describes England in detail to the King. Gulliver is carried around in a box and tours the kingdom. He fights birds and animals and finds the King’s Maids of Honor, who undress before him, disgusting him because of their great size. In the moment of their rest, Gulliver’s box is picked up by a gigantic eagle and dropped into the sea; he is picked up by an English ship and returns to England. After a few month he arrived in England and meet his family.

Lemuel Gulliver Character
Lemuel Gulliver, a surgeon, sea captain, traveler, and the narrator of these travel accounts, the purpose of which is to satirize the pretentions and follies of humans. Gulliver is an ordinary man, capable of close observation; his deceptively matter of fact reportage and a great accumulation of detail make believable and readable a scathing political and social satire. On his first voyage, he is shipwrecked at Lilliput, a country inhabited by people no more than ten centimeter tall, where pretentiousness, individual as well as political, is ridiculed. The second voyage ends in Brobdingnag, a land of giants. Human grossness is a target here. Moreover, Gulliver does not find it easy to make sense of English customs and politics in explaining them to a king twenty meter  high. The Gulliver also is a good man, he show his affectionate to his family. He is really a good man that missed his children and wife by his willingness to coming back home.

Setting of the novel
Theme of this story
Human Condition
This story tells us that everything in the world have condition to make the thing possible.
Setting of time
4th of May 1699, two years, two month, one month
Setting of place
England, country of Lilliput, Mildendo, Blefuscu, Brobdingnagions, castle, sea, seashore, adventure ship, Antelope ship

By: Didimus Estanto T.
The Little Prince
A novel by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
·         Summary
This novel began with the little boy that try to draw a boa and boa with an elephant in its stomach. Everybody cannot see the boa and think that it was a stupid panting and suggested him to learn about something else like mathematics, arithmetic, geographic, etc. Couple years after that, the boy get lost in desert with his broken airplane. He has water supply for a week, so he have to fix all the airplane for a week or die in desert.
The next morning after he get lost in desert he was awaked up the requesting to draw a ship. He was confusing. He open his eyes and found a little young boy standing in front of him and keep asking the same. It was little prince. After that he woke up and do his wanting. As much he draw the prince become unsatisfied and ask for the other one. He gave up and just draw a box and said the sheep and the little prince satisfy later. Unique that the little prince can see the elephant inside the boa on narrator’s first drawing when he was six.
Then, the little prince and the narrator become closer and closer. They talk so many things. He ask about the airplane and he started to tell his own story walking the universe. He said that he comes from the planet, little asteroid which already been sawn by Turkish scientist. He said that he has three volcano, a rose and the others things named B-3612.
The next part of the story is telling readers about the little prince’s adventure to face six asteroid. In first asteroid he met a greedy king who want him to be his prime minister. In the second asteroid he found selfish men who just want to hear his glory and exhausted of praising. The third one he met a drunken man. Next asteroid he face a man who just care about his property and wealth (stars), that disgust him. The fifth journey he found a loyal person who keeps a light for his planet. He really appreciated and respect this person, but that planet is too small for staying together. In the last asteroid he met a geographer who really depends on someone to draw a map. The geographer asked him to tell about his planet but the little prince reject it, then the geographer suggested him to go to earth.
Landing on earth show the little prince so many things. He learn about hard, beauty, reverberate, etc. He also met the railway switchman who said the only person that know what they want and go is the kid. The other one who he met is salesman that told him about saving 53 minutes a week until he catch desert. They were exhausted now, both the narrator and little prince. Because the narrator fail to fix the plane they were trying to find some well. They find it and in that moment the little prince said that he have to come back to his planet. He said an important message that “it is only with the heart that one can be right, what is essential is invisible to the eye.”
The end of the story describes the little prince leaving earth by letting the snake beat him and back to his planet. The narrator make an announced for everyone who found the weird boy asking for some painting please call him. The narrator write the story six years after he survived from that accident.

·         Characters
There are two main characters in this novel, there are the little prince who the wise little boy that looking for the adventure traveling universe. He has some many experience and great concept of living. The second one is the narrator. He is the one who cannot draw well, good person and good listener. There are also some minor characters like king, greedy man, geographer, railway switchman, salesman, light keeper, fox.

·         Setting
Place: forest, desert, 1-6 asteroid, stars, railway station, earth, volcano.
Time: six years old, six years ago, a year, morning, noon and night.

Kiss me Jogja
By:  Tanto Didimus
 (English Letters Department of Sanata Dharma University)
Salam sahabat, salam jumpa dalam jeritan rasaku, kertas penyampai cerita hidup ini. Kenalkan aku Yudha, lengkapnya Angelo Manganju Yudhasta. Aku anak rantau dari timur Indonesia. Anak timur yang mencoba mencari perantauan di tanah istimewa ini, Yogyakarta. Aku mahasiswa sanata dharma Yogyakarta angkatan 2014, mahasiswa tahun pertama.
Yogyakarta  seperti namanya yang istimewa selalu menghangatkan dengan keistimewaannya. Indonesia mini, begitu mereka menjulukinya. Tapi ini, jogja ini terlalu istimewa untuk hanya disebut jogja mini, ini rumah.
Romantisme adalah kecupan pertama yang kudapatkan dari istimewanya semesta Yogyakarta. Lampu- lampu kuning emas pudar, polesan bangunan-bangunan tua yang sangat khas, jajanan dan situasi yang hangat, pusaran indahnya senja sepanjang Malioboro dan benteng Vredeburg kala petang menjemput menjelaskan dengan sangant sempurna romantisnya kota tua ini. Duduk di bawah patung gajah di persimpangan benteng Vredeburg saat matahari kian meninggalkan petang, mengamati senyum, tawa, keletihan, cinta, rindu dan berjuta ekspresi lainnya yang lalu-lalang berbagi romantisme yang sama di kota ini. Luar biasa, momen ini tercatat di bukuku Sabtu, 2 Agustus 2014.
Kecupan kedua tiba. Minggu, 11 Januari 2015 membawa cerita istimewa buatku. Setelah satu semester melihat, mengenal, dan  merasakan Yogyakarta, mungkin telah tiba saatnya aku berasa bersama penghuninya.
Dia gadis yang teramat manis. Ia lahir 5 April, parasnya putih kuning khas Yogyakarta. Rambutnya sebahu, pendek memberikan rasa nyaman yang teramat luar biasa persis seperti Jogjanya ini. Tingginya sedaguku, mungil  memberikan kepercayaaan buatku untuk memeluknya, melindunginya. Ia anak  ketiga dari empat bersaudara ia tangguh sama seperti orang tuanya yang kukenal, ia luar biasa. Namun satu hal yang sangat aku suka ialah kami dipertemukan semesta dalam keajaiban.
Kutarik waktuku sebulan mundur, 11 Desember 2014 pukul 20.41 adalah saat pertama kami berjumpa. Happy Puppy Jogja Tronic ultah Yufri sahabatku menjadi setting yang sempurna untuk hanya sekadar mencitra siapa dia. ‘‘Dia lumayan’’, kesan pertamaku berjumpa, kami pergi tanpa saling bertukar nama. Keempatan kedua, kapel St. Belarminus Sanata Dharma Minggu, 14 Desember 2014 pukul 07.49 misa minggu pagi. Masih teringat dengan jelas hari itu ia mengenakan flat hitam polosnya, rok biru serta baju strip hitam putih horisontalnya. ‘’Oh my God, sangat manis’’, itu komentarku saat itu. Namun kembali kami berpisah tanpa bertukar salam, tetapi aku dapatkan rona senyumnya saat senyum itu ia tujukan padaku. Terima kasih semesta. Pertemuan ketiga terjadi pada hari yang sama mengambil setting  Alun-Alun Kidul. Saat itu aku bersama Dion dan Christian dua sahabatku, dan ia bersama beberapa sahabatnya.  Aku sejenak berpikir mungkinkah kali ini aku harus pergi tanpa mengantongi namanya? Sepertinya semesta memaksaku untuk menjual namaku terlebi dahulu. Aku ingin maju ke kerumunan mereka, agak ragu sampai ia memalingkan binar matanya ke arahku. “ Eh,.. kamu, em,…”,  katanya ragu. “ Yudha mbak, kita dah beberapa kali bertemu”, sambarku dengan cepat. “ Iss,.. bukan kamu, sampingmu tuh”,  balasnya singkat. Aku spontan memerah karena malu. “ Becanda, kamu kok. Aku April, pengen kenalan kan?”.  Kami berkenalan, bertukar  kontak dan kami berpisah.Singkat cerita kami menjadi semakin dekat karena aku dan ia saling menerima satu sama lain. Aku perlahan masuk kedalam kehidupannya. Sepertinya semesta mecibtakan suatu keajaiban lagi dalam orbit hidupku. Sekali lagi terima kasih semesta.
Di samping cerita si manis ini, aku punya kepiluan sahabat. Aku anak seorang petani, kedua orang tuaku, semuanya petani. Penghasilan mereka  yah, kasarnya tak sampai pada angka Rp.500.000 sebulan. Aku berjuang untuk ada di tempat ini, sangat keras. Sahabat aku tak pernah masuk SMA. Aku masuk biro jasa perawat pembantu ketika lulus smp yah karena lima ratus ribu penghasilan itu tadi, apalagi aku juga masih punya seorang adik yang duduk di bangku SMP. Semuanya terasa sangat susah. Istimewa, memang sangat istimewa kota ini, dan aku merasa tak cukup istimewa untuk menjadi bagian darinya. Tuhan, kemana Kau pergi membiarkanku tertindih kesakitan ini. Aku mengikuti program kelas penyetaraan SMA setelah aku menyelesaikan kursus perawatku pun sambil bekerja tentunya. Aku sangat ingin sekolah. Untungnya semesta selalu mencibtak keajaiban untukku.
Aku ingin kuliah. Aku ingin sekolah. Aku tak ingin ketingalan karna aku sangat sadar kalau pendidikan ini penting. Aku  tertatih di jogja ini. Tak mungkin aku mengaharapkan uang dari ayah dan bunda. Senyum tulus dan dukungan yang teramat luar biasa adalah bekal yang sudah sangat berarti bagiku. Setelah berhenti dari pasien lamaku dan pindah ke Yogyakarta, aku butuh pekerjaan lagi. Aku bingung harus sekolah kah atau harus bertahan hidup dulu sekarang. “Aku sangat ingin sekolah Ya Semesta, tolonglah”, pintaku dalam setiap doaku. Di setiap sela aku berkutat dengan lirih hidupkulah, bidadari ini terus memeluk menguatkanku, menggenggam semangatku tuk terus maju. Oia sahabat aku telah menjadi kekasinya dua minggu setelah perkenalan itu, 31 januari 2015. Tanggal sakral untuk aku berani bilang cinta dan memintanya temani hatiku. Setiap aku bercerita lirihnya nasipku ia selalu bilang “hei, tenang, sabar. Jika kita sedang susah sekarang, itu berati kita sedang menghabiskan jatah susah di hidup kita. Habiskan saja semua dan bertahan. Supaya nanti, sebentar lagi hanya kebahagian dan kesenangan yang ada”. Kata-kata yang sangat luar biasa kan sahabat?
Kembali cerita soal aku yang susah.  Melalui usaha yang baik dan berkat Yang Ilahi, aku mendapatkan biro yang baik di Yogyakarta.UKPM/ CD RS Bethesda adalah nama biro itu. Aku ditempatkan di Merapi Merbabu Hotel, merawat Kakek Rohman. Sahabat sulit untuk bekerja sambil kuliah, tak bisa sebebas teman-teman lain, aku harus menjaga Kakek sepanjang hari, kecuali pada  jam kuliahku. Jalan-jalan, hang out, apalagi nongkrong  bersama teman-teman di lain pihak  hanya menjadi utopia-ku saja. Rasakan setiap liku itu. Perih, sakit hati, iri, aku menyalahkan Tuhan untuk semua itu.  “ Tuhan tak adil !!!”,  aku selalu marah dengan kalimat itu. Mengapa aku tak terlahir seperti teman teman yang lain. ‘’Mengapa aku selalu susah Ya Tuhan, apakah semua doaku berujung sampah di surga. Apakah sia sia berdoa dan memohon, bertahan dan bekerja seperti ini, apakah aku kurang kiat berkerja dalam kesusahan ini, jawab Tuhan, jawab,.. jangan lari !!!”  aku berteriak persis seperti itu, dalam doaku di gereja St. Maria Asumta Babarsari Minggu, 18 Januari 2015.
Sahabat, cinta membantuku mendekap harapan lagi. Gadis ini, bidadari sempurna ini mengangkatku dari kotak sampah kekecewaan. Terima kasih sayang untuk ada. Aku perlahan disadarkan untuk bersyukur dan tetap semangat melalui kata kata indah nan berartinya, “ Semua yang telah terjadi, percalayah sayang kalau itulah yang terbaik yang dapat terjadi. Kamu bisa kok, aku aja yakin, kamu harus lebih yakin. Oia kaka Yesus ada nitip pesan buad kamu tadi. Katanya doamu tidak disampahkan, hanya disimpan sampai penuh, katanya kotakmu lebih besar dari manusia yang lainnya, katanya kamu spesial. Yah aku sih percaya percaya aja kamu spesia, buktiin donk kamu kuat, kamu ngga biasa, kamu spesial…”, aku merangkulnya, mendekap, menatap matanya pelan. Nafasku mendesah pelan persis di depan hidungnya dan entah bagaimana semesta mendorongku menciumnya. Pelan, tenang dan sangat tulus.

Yogyakarta, selalu saja istimewa, spesial dan tak biasa. Ciuman bidadariku, ciuman usahaku untuk bertahan hidup, ciuman usaha sekolahku, ciuman Tuhan yang selalu kusalahkan, ciuman semesta yang selalu mendorongku, wow… semuanya jogja sediakan untukku. Jogja menciumku dengan sangat sempurna.  Utnuk ciuman cerita cinta, itu sangat special, itu kurasa membuatku pantas menjadi bagian dari istimewanya Jogja, untuk ciuman pendidikan kuarasa memantaskanku menjadi bagian dari kota pelajar ini, dan untuk perjuanganku menyiratkan aku pantas menjadi bagian dari kota pejuang ini. Semuanya istimewa. Oia sahabat, untuk kalian yang ingin tahu, nama Kekasiku Aprilia Aprodithe Sophia Setyianingrum. Untuk semua yang telah terjadi aku akan terus meminta pada kota istimewa ini, “Kiis me Jogja”.

By: Tanto Didimus

For at least two decades, globalization and technological progress have favored exchanges in the world. They have created more possibilities in the field of education, helping experts develop new approaches to learning. Elite groups in Indonesia have taken advantage of the situation. Yet, many of the country’s institutions have paid little attention to new ideas that encourage a global approach to education.
Education is the important part of Indonesian development. All the founding fahters  beleive that education is the golden key to increase the the Indonesian people’s dignity by the colonialism and imperialism. The force of knowledge is light of Pancasila to bulitd the great political project called Indonesia. There is not only in the time of 1945 Pancasila scream out the importance of education but it is all Indonesia need to keep this nation stay strong. Educated nation live aso is the ultimate word written in Indonesian ordinance. Education is the crusia part of develope Indonesia to take  place in future.

 Catholic Church of Indonesia may be an exception. Although it has not given up on its mission, it falls short in terms of human and material resources and this appears to be undermining its capacity to attract and train the future elites of society.
Sadly, we came to realize this in our latest trip to the country. Our initial goal was to assess how scholarships are granted to Indonesian religious and priests. We then broadened the scope of our mission to include education in Indonesia as a whole, conscious of our own limited abilities to analyze a situation as complex as that of Indonesia. With more than 13,000 islands, and stretching across 5,000 kilometers, the country is mosaic of a thousand ethnic groups and a population of 250 million. Its recent history is one of many challenges, like the earthquake that hit the city of Padang (Sumatra) in September 2009 killing thousands, or the tsunami of a few years ago that killed as many as 50,000 people, or the religious clashes that undermined traditional good relations between the country’s Muslim majority and its small Christian minority (9 per cent of the population).
In two weeks, we took the plane 18 times and saw as much of the land as possible, from Aceh to Ambon. We did not however make it to Papua-New Guinea or many other regions of the country.
The first thing we noted was the concentration of universities and specialized schools in the capital of Jakarta, at the expense of other big cities and outlying regions.
Access to quality education has become increasingly a prerogative of well-to-do families; indeed, many families are hard-pressed to come up with the money for tuition fees. With an almost privatized system of higher education, this is no minor feat in a society already badly affected by recent economic crises.
For the sake of brevity, we will focus on medicine. Until a few years ago, the state provided medical students with financial support. In return, new graduates would serve in rural areas for a number of years. When the government decided to stop providing medical scholarships, it saved money on the short run but in doing so, it deprived itself of an important resource that could benefit the country as a whole.
In our stay in Ambon, on the Maluku Islands, a nun working as a nurse, told us how the departure of one doctor almost paralyzed the diocese-run hospital where she is employed, and how it proved almost impossible to find a replacement.
Another trend created by globalization deserves attention. A number of foreign schools (especially American and Australian) have opened up branches in Indonesia. They offer programs based on US and Australian curricula, and many of the Indonesians who train in them end up pursuing professional careers in these countries. This is a way of training future professionals on the cheap (since Indonesians pay school fees) in educational fields that are of interest to the West and countries in the northern hemisphere.
Indonesian students thus end up opting for degrees in economics and management, law and medicine. Even fields like the natural sciences, political science and psychology find some favor, but they tend to open doors to professional careers in Indonesia.

Conversely, the humanities and philosophy attract few students because of the limited job opportunities they provide. Indeed, as a high-ranking official told us, Islam and Muslim religious practice teach and monopolize ethical issues.

The state also encourages public and private universities to integrate more management-oriented principles in their structures. This has certainly given them a dynamic edge, but the drawback is that it has favored faculties prized by the business community. Marketing “education” as a product has become paramount. The Education Ministry certifies universities if they pay professors a minimum salary of 3,500,000 rupiahs (US$ 350), which is good if one considers that only the most qualified and renowned professors could aspire to such remuneration in the past.

At the same, universities and specialized schools face financial challenges, an issue that concerns the whole of the education sector, including compulsory education. From this point of view, Catholic schools are no different since they too have to cope with financial difficulties. In their case, the reason is the progressive loss of Muslim pupils, who are increasingly drawn to Muslim or state schools, which have improved the quality of the education they offer.

Admittedly, this is a good thing because it means that these institutions have improved their level of teaching. However, in the opinion of more than one of our academic interlocutors, the declining number of Muslim students in Catholic schools is also due to a Muslim world that is increasingly turning inward. As the number of paying students declines, Catholic schools have to fight for their survival. In rural areas, schools are also threatened by the lack of teachers. For some years now, Church-run educational institutions have been caught in a vicious cycle. In order to survive, they have to increase school fees, but if they do, they directly penalize Catholic families who are often the poorest among the poor.
A weaker Church in a field in which it has traditionally excelled raises serious concerns and this for two reasons. First, education has always been a privileged means to pass on the evangelical message to people of other confessions and religions. This has fostered good relations between Christians, a minority often threatened by persecution, and Muslims. Second, not only have Catholic schools provided a useful service to Catholics, but they have also benefitted society as a whole. They have passed on expertise and knowledge, something that has been recognized and appreciated by all.

A great number of local priests and religious play an important role in all this, with foreign missionaries making a decisive contribution. However, that is not enough. If it is true that we have met many worthy people who are doing a heroic job for the Church, it is also true that they cannot cope with a situation that far exceeds their scope of action. Training Indonesian priests, religious and lay people is paramount. We must provide them with solid bases and adequate knowledge in fields like philosophy, theology and the humanities, which, in Indonesia, are at risk of disappearing. The alternative, as one bishop put it, would be to have them taught by poorly trained teachers or by people who failed in their studies or careers. These disciplines are not only necessary to strengthen Christians’ faith, but they are also needed to help society address all the problems that touch man’s heart and affect his dignity. Were that not the case, Indonesian society could end up dehumanized by unfettered capitalism or destroyed by the violence of a religion increasingly centered on Sharia fundamentalism. In Indonesia, bishops and top Church leaders are quite conscious of the challenges ahead, and that, in our view, is a good omen for both the country and its educational system.

By: Didimus Estanto T.
Book Report Assignment
A novel by Herman Melville
·         Summery
                Ishmael, the narrator, announces his intent to ship aboard a whaling vessel. He has made several voyages as a sailor but none as a whaler. He travels to New Bedford, Massachusetts, where he stays in a whalers’ inn. Since the inn is rather full, he has to share a bed with a harpooner from the South Pacific named Queequeg. At first repulsed by Queequeg’s strange habits and shocking, Ishmael eventually comes to appreciate the man’s generosity and kind spirit, and the two decide to seek work on a whaling vessel together. They take a ferry to Nantucket, the traditional capital of the whaling industry. There they secure berths on the Pequod, a savage-looking ship adorned with the bones and teeth of sperm whales. Peleg and Bildad, the Pequod’s Quaker owners, drive a hard bargain in terms of salary. They also mention the ship’s mysterious captain, Ahab, who is still recovering from losing his leg in an encounter with a sperm whale on his last voyage.
                The Pequod leaves Nantucket on a cold Christmas Day with a crew made up of men from many different countries and races. Soon the ship is in warmer waters, and Ahab makes his first appearance on deck, balancing gingerly on his false leg, which is made from a sperm whale’s jaw. He announces his desire to pursue and kill Moby Dick, the legendary great white whale who took his leg, because he sees this whale as the embodiment of evil. Ahab nails a gold doubloon to the mast and declares that it will be the prize for the first man to sight the whale. As the Pequod sails toward the Southern tip of Africa, whales are sighted and unsuccessfully hunted. During the hunt, a group of men, none of whom anyone on the ship’s crew has seen before on the voyage, emerges from the hold. The men’s leader is an exotic-looking man named Fedallah. These men constitute Ahab’s private harpoon crew, smuggled aboard in defiance of Bildad and Peleg. Ahab hopes that their skills and Fedallah’s prophetic abilities will help him in his hunt for Moby Dick.
                The Pequod rounds Africa and enters the Indian Ocean. A few whales are successfully caught and processed for their oil. From time to time, the ship encounters other whaling vessels. Ahab always demands information about Moby Dick from their captains. One of the ships, the Jeroboam, carries Gabriel, a crazed prophet who predicts doom for anyone who threatens Moby Dick. His predictions seem to carry some weight, as those aboard his ship who have hunted the whale have met disaster. While trying to drain the oil from the head of a captured sperm whale, Tashtego, one of the Pequod’s harpooners, falls into the whale’s voluminous head, which then rips free of the ship and begins to sink. Queequeg saves Tashtego by diving into the ocean and cutting into the slowly sinking head.
                During another whale hunt, Pip, the Pequod’s black cabin boy, jumps from a whaleboat and is left behind in the middle of the ocean. He goes insane as the result of the experience and becomes a crazy but prophetic jester for the ship. Soon after, the Pequod meets the Samuel Enderby, a whaling ship whose skipper, Captain Boomer, has lost an arm in an encounter with Moby Dick. The two captains discuss the whale; Boomer, happy simply to have survived his encounter, cannot understand Ahab’s lust for vengeance. Not long after, Queequeg falls ill and has the ship’s carpenter make him a coffin in anticipation of his death. He recovers, however, and the coffin eventually becomes the Pequod’s replacement life buoy.
                Ahab orders a harpoon forged in the expectation that he will soon encounter Moby Dick. He baptizes the harpoon with the blood of the Pequod’s three harpooners. The Pequod kills several more whales. Issuing a prophecy about Ahab’s death, Fedallah declares that Ahab will first see two hearses, the second of which will be made only from American wood, and that he will be killed by hemp rope. Ahab interprets these words to mean that he will not die at sea, where there are no hearses and no hangings. A typhoon hits the Pequod, illuminating it with electrical fire. Ahab takes this occurrence as a sign of imminent confrontation and success, but Starbuck, the ship’s first mate, takes it as a bad omen and considers killing Ahab to end the mad quest. After the storm ends, one of the sailors falls from the ship’s masthead and drowns—a grim foreshadowing of what lies ahead.
                Ahab’s fervent desire to find and destroy Moby Dick continues to intensify, and the mad Pip is now his constant companion. The Pequod approaches the equator, where Ahab expects to find the great whale. The ship encounters two more whaling ships, the Rachel and the Delight, both of which have recently had fatal encounters with the whale. Ahab finally sights Moby Dick. The harpoon boats are launched, and Moby Dick attacks Ahab’s harpoon boat, destroying it. The next day, Moby Dick is sighted again, and the boats are lowered once more. The whale is harpooned, but Moby Dick again attacks Ahab’s boat. Fedallah, trapped in the harpoon line, is dragged overboard to his death. Starbuck must maneuver the Pequod between Ahab and the angry whale.
                On the third day, the boats are once again sent after Moby Dick, who once again attacks them. The men can see Fedallah’s corpse lashed to the whale by the harpoon line. Moby Dick rams the Pequod and sinks it. Ahab is then caught in a harpoon line and hurled out of his harpoon boat to his death. All of the remaining whaleboats and men are caught in the vortex created by the sinking Pequod and pulled under to their deaths. Ishmael, who was thrown from a boat at the beginning of the chase, was far enough away to escape the whirlpool, and he alone survives. He floats atop Queequeg’s coffin, which popped back up from the wreck, until he is picked up by the Rachel, which is still searching for the crewmen lost in her earlier encounter with Moby Dick.

·         Character Of The Novel
Captain Ahab
Ahab is the Captain of the Pequod, a grave older man reaching his sixties who has spent nearly forty years as a sailor, only three of which he has spent on dry land. The novel is essentially the story of Ahab and his quest to defeat the legendary Sperm Whale Moby Dick, for this whale took Ahab's leg, causing him to use an ivory leg to walk and stand. Ahab is a dour, imposing man who frightens his crew through his unwavering obsession with defeating Moby Dick and his grand hubris. In many respects Melville portrays Ahab as barely human, barely governed by human mores and conventions and nearly entirely subject to his own obsession with Moby Dick. He is in some ways a machine, unaffected by human appetites and without recognizable emotion. And most importantly, he claims himself a God over the Pequod, but instead he may be a Satanic figure through his somewhat blasphemous quest against the white whale.

Ishmael is the narrator of the novel, a simple sailor on the Pequod who undertakes the journey because of his affection for the ocean and his need to go sea whenever he feels "hazy about the eyes." As the narrator Ishmael establishes him as somewhat of a cipher and an everyman, and in fact his role in the plot of the novel is inconsequential; his primary task is to observe the conflicts around him. Nevertheless, Melville does give his narrator several significant character traits, the most important of which is his idealization of the Sperm Whale and his belief in its majesty. Also, it is Ishmael who has the only significant personal relationship in the novel; he becomes a close friend with the pagan harpooner Queequeg and comes to cherish and adore Queequeg to a somewhat improbable level open to great interpretation; Melville even describes their relationship in terms of a marriage. Ishmael is the only survivor of the Pequod's voyage, living to tell the tale of Moby Dick only because he is by chance on a whaling boat when Moby Dick sinks the Pequod and is rescued by a nearby ship.
Starbuck is the chief mate of the Pequod, a Nantucket native and a Quaker with a thin build and a pragmatic manner. In appearance, Starbuck is quite thin and seems condensed into his most essential characteristics, and his streamlined appearance well suits his attitudes and behavior.
Queequeg is a harpooner.Ishmael meets Queequeg when the two must share a bed at the Spouter Inn in New Bedford before journeying to Nantucket to undertake the journey on the Pequod. Melville portrays Queequeg as a blend of civilized behavior and savagery. Certainly in his appearance and upbringing he is uncivilized by the standards of the main characters of the novel, yet Melville, through his narrator Ishmael, finds Queequeg to be incredibly noble, courteous and brave. Melville uses Queequeg as a character in perpetual transition: from savagery to civilization, and in the final chapters after he suffers from an illness from which he wills himself recovered, in an uneasy stasis between life and death. The relationship between Queequeg and Ishmael is the most intimate of the novel, as the two become close companions.
The second mate on the Pequod, Stubb is a Cape Cod native with a happy-go-lucky, carefree nature that tends to mask his true opinions and beliefs. Stubb remains comical even in the face of the imperious Ahab, and he even dares to make a joke at the captain's expense. Although never serious, Stubb is nevertheless a more than competent whaleman: his easygoing manner allows Stubb to prompt his crew to work without seeming imposing or dictatorial, and it is Stubb who kills the first whale on the Pequod's voyage.
The third mate on the ship, Flask plays a much less prominent role than either Starbuck or Stubb. He is a native of Martha's Vineyard with a pugnacious attitude concerning whales. Melville portrays Stubb as a man whose appetites cannot be sated, and in fact in attempting to sate these appetites Flask becomes even more hungry.
He is one of the "dusky phantoms" that compose Ahab's special whaling crew. The Asiatic and Oriental Fedallah, also called the Parsee, remains represents a sinister figure for the crew of the Pequod; there are even rumors that he is the devil in disguise and wishes to kidnap Ahab. Fedallah has a prophetic dream of hearses twice during the course of the novel, yet both he and Ahab conceive that this means a certain end to Moby Dick. Fedallah dies during the second day of the chase against Moby Dick, when he becomes entangled in the whale line.

Another characters: Peter Coffin, Pippin, Father Mapple, Hosea Hussey, Peleg, Bildad, Elijah, Bulkington, Tashtego, Daggoo, Dough-Boy, Perth, Captain Mayhew, Gabriel, Macey , Derick De Deer, Dr. Bunger, Captain Gardiner.

·         Setting
Place : Cape Horn, Pacific Ocean, New Bedford,  Nantucket,  equator, Massachusetts, South     Pacific, Southern tip of Africa,  Indian Ocean, deck.
Time : Monday, Saturday, two days of walking, four-five years at sea, third day, Christmas Day, the day after, after three month.
·         Theme
The best theme for this novel I think is “ revenge is the wrong enthusiasm to get something”