Best Spots in Taman Sari

Best spots in Taman Sari
By: Didimus Estanto T.

1.     The Back Entrance
This is the official way for people to come in this historical building. Before this entrance, tourist should buy a ticket for Rp 5.000,00

2.       The Outside Pool
The outside pool is the pool for the girls which will accompany sultan to his private pool.

3.       Sultan Private Pool
Sultan private pool is a special pool which he use to relax for a moment. Sultan will throw a flower to the outside pool and the lucky girl would accompany sultan in this pool.

4.       Bilik
This place is used to change sultan’s wet clotes.

5.        Traditional Sauna
This place is used to rest after sultan took a bath.

6.       Main Entrance
This is a main entrance to see this historical building. The decoration is described the Javanese calendar.

7.       Second Floor of the mosque

8.       Entrance of the mosque

9.       Stairs on the mosque

10.   Tunnel to the mosquito


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